Eastern Sierra's June 2015 DERP

Thanks all. I've been dragging my heels on the blog for a looooong time. Should have done many other trip reports using a blog vs doing pages and pages of posts in various forums. I'll continue the work for the rest of this TR ASAP.

The only place it was warm was around Bishop. Most days were spent at altitude to evade the heat.
Nice job, ETAV8R!
Blogging is a bit harder than posting a TR here, I think.
We're still adapting to the process, and figuring out how to make it a team sport. :oops:

Quick tip: If you have written other TR's here or elsewhere, try doing a copy&paste into your new blogspot or blogger.
I found I was able to scoop up quite a bit of work I had done on other sites, and republish them on our new blog platform, thereby populating some quick and valuable content. I don't know if it will work for you, but you might give it a try.
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