Eastern Sierras- Memorial Day Weekend


Advanced Member
Apr 25, 2011
Los Angeles California
Every year around memorial day, I take the rest of the week off and make a trek up to the Eastern Sierras to do some fishing. Bishops annual " Mule Days Celebration" is usually going on around Bishop so we like to head higher up away from the crowds and people.

Last year we actually went to mule days, and it was a blast. It's like a wild west show, with Country music concerts, dancing, all kinds of mule tricks, shows, it's amazing at what they can do. And the worlds longest running non motorized parade. We plan to go to the mule days again this year before heading up into the hills.

Memorial Day weekend is usually when they try to open the passes like Tioga & Sonora are open depending on conditions. It is usually when the road is opened to Mammoth Lakes and the fishing is exellent up there around that time. Also the lakes like Sabrina, North, and South lake are pretty much thawed enough to take a boat out.

This year may be a little different as there is alot of snowpack up there.

Last years trip was awesome, We spent 11 days, we fished about 10 different lakes, including ice fishing at saddlebag, went to Bodie, and soaked in a different hot spring each night,camped somewhere different every night, and put 1700 miles on the rig.

I was wanting to take a trip to southern Utah or Grand Canyon as Iv'e never been and I have 10 days off. But for some reason the Sierras keep calling me back up there.

We might hit DV for a night or two, we have to get some desert camping in there too.

Anyone else heading up the East side at the end of the month??
I'll be at the Cottonwood Kilns that weekend. It's been a family tradition for over 30 years now. Basically a chance for the kids and now grandkids to get as dirty as they possibly can without getting in trouble with mom.
East Side trip is in the works for me. I'll be there to enjoy some of that snowpack : )
Maybe camp Lee Vining Cyn. or farther south near Mammoth. It depends upon whether Tioga Pass is open by then.
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