Environmental monitoring / logging


Advanced Member
Feb 8, 2015
Plano, TX
Anybody using these Bluetooth data loggers?




Looks like they would be cool for getting a graph of temp, humidity, etc of inside of camper, outside environment, battery box, guitar case, refrig or whatever.
Interesting. I haven't seen anything like these before. Seems like a really good deal if they work as advertised.
which one? Tempo disc or Pebble? Disc is cute and small, but Pebble uses AA batteries - either look to have great battery life in the occasional polling configuration. The way I would probably use it is to set outside of camper and then pull down the data the next morning or leave in camper to do the same. What were you thinking to use it for? Looks like the disc is available on Amazon and there are some other competing products that look similar.
I went with the disc from amazon. I have a data logging, internet connected weather station at home. Would like to have something similar on the road.
AWG_Pics said:
I went with the disc from amazon. I have a data logging, internet connected weather station at home. Would like to have something similar on the road.
what unit have you got?

I have a remote campsite where I do have wifi. I would like a weather station for at least wind and temp that includes data logging.

what unit have you got?

I have a remote campsite where I do have wifi. I would like a weather station for at least wind and temp that includes data logging.


I have this unit... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N5TEHLI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and this pole: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003EB3A5E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Bought them in November of 2017. They were very easy to set up. Over the three years, after a long dry spell, I twice have had to clean spider nests and bird poop out of the rain gage mechanism. I have been streaming my station to Weather Underground since December of 2017. Lithium batteries last more than a year. You will need to figure out how to keep the display unit powered. The ambient weather site keeps a year of records, which are easy to download to an excel file format.
AWG_Pics said:
what unit have you got?

I have a remote campsite where I do have wifi. I would like a weather station for at least wind and temp that includes data logging.


I have this unit... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N5TEHLI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and this pole: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003EB3A5E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Bought them in November of 2017. They were very easy to set up. Over the three years, after a long dry spell, I twice have had to clean spider nests and bird poop out of the rain gage mechanism. I have been streaming my station to Weather Underground since December of 2017. Lithium batteries last more than a year. You will need to figure out how to keep the display unit powered. The ambient weather site keeps a year of records, which are easy to download to an excel file format.

I need two point of clarification.

The instrument on the pole runs off of Lithium batteries and can upload to wifi without the base station? Mostly I dont need the base station as most of the time I am not on site.

You say the "ambient weather site keeps a year of records". You mean the company that sells this unit also has a server that keeps this data? As well as underground weather?

Thanks for the pointers. Im very much interested in wind and rain. Ive already got a suitable pole.

I just ordered the 4 in 1. I'll post a followup after we've used it a bit.

When I first saw this post, I was intrigued, but did not see a need. But we have an old in/out temp, humidity and pressure "weather" station in our Fleet that has acted up lately. Currently there are no weather stations with pressure that are small enough (and backlit to save batteries) to replace it. We like to have a quick-look at the outdoor temp and humidity and the indoor humidity, so I can now replace it with just an in/out temp and humidity display. Pressure is fun - it shows mostly our elevation change while we are driving and it's a barometer at night. Bluetooth on the cell is fine for pressure and it also lets us get outside humidity while driving
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