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Lost again
May 25, 2015
North Carolina
Hello fellow wanderers-

In February I’ll be checking off one of my bucket list items by spending some time in Antartica. I’ve been looking forward to this trip for some time. As I’m gathering all the gear I’m taking I began wondering what filters I should use on my Nikon lenses. I usually use a polarizing filter but have others.

Given the black and white nature of the landscape and what I’m assuming will be some flat light I’m wondering what those who are better at this than me would suggest.

Thanks for your comments.

PS. We’ll also be visiting a few National parks in Chile such as Torres del Paine.
In addition to the polarized filter, UV, Neutral density, split gradient/graduated (I like the Lee system) IMO are good additions. Maybe a single color, too.

What lenses are you taking?
All of our trips to Antarctica we have only brought a polarizer filter. Really helps to cut the glare looking into the water at icebergs, fabulous clouds in the sky. A variable neutral density filter if you want to slow shutter speed for some water movement.
Thanks guys. I’ll look into the filter suggestions and see what I can come up with.

WS as far as lenses I’m going to take my Nikor 16-80 1:2.I-4 and my Nikor 200-500 1:5.6. These will go on my D500 body.
Thanks guys. I’ll look into the filter suggestions and see what I can come up with.

WS as far as lenses I’m going to take my Nikor 16-80 1:2.I-4 and my Nikor 200-500 1:5.6. These will go on my D500 body.

Think about bringing a second body and more lenses that overlap each other. I have seen people that take the minimum and that is the time when your equipment dies or gets broken. The weather can be wet and wet, this is where cameras stop working. Zodiac rides I bring 2 cameras with a wide zoom lens and tele zoom with some good reach mounted on each camera body. There is no time to be switching lenses and in bouncing wet environment. ( not always but expect it). The 200-500 will be great on the boat and on shore once you get there.
pvstoy said:
Thanks guys. I’ll look into the filter suggestions and see what I can come up with.

WS as far as lenses I’m going to take my Nikor 16-80 1:2.I-4 and my Nikor 200-500 1:5.6. These will go on my D500 body.

Think about bringing a second body and more lenses that overlap each other. I have seen people that take the minimum and that is the time when your equipment dies or gets broken. The weather can be wet and wet, this is where cameras stop working. Zodiac rides I bring 2 cameras with a wide zoom lens and tele zoom with some good reach mounted on each camera body. There is no time to be switching lenses and in bouncing wet environment. ( not always but expect it). The 200-500 will be great on the boat and on shore once you get there.
Eddie, I’m definitely in sync with Patrick on both a second body and the overlap.
Interesting comments about taking extra bodies and lenses…maybe this is an excuse to buy more!

I’ll be taking my trusted Olympus waterproof “Tough” point & shoot camera with a wide optical zoom for any kayaking or other waterborne adventures. I will also have a new GoPro 10.

Given that info what other lenses/bodies would you recommend?
smlobx said:
Interesting comments about taking extra bodies and lenses…maybe this is an excuse to buy more!

I’ll be taking my trusted Olympus waterproof “Tough” point & shoot camera with a wide optical zoom for any kayaking or other waterborne adventures. I will also have a new GoPro 10.

Given that info what other lenses/bodies would you recommend?
How much do you want to spend?

Since you’re taking your D500, I’d consider another Dx body. To fill in the gap between the lenses you’re taking, a 70-200 might be a good addition.

Or, if you’re really ok with really opening the green locker ($ :rolleyes: ), make the jump to Fx, and buy a D850, 24-70/2.8, and a 70-200/2.8, and maybe a 16-35/4.

Don’t forget extra batteries, memory cards, and a way to download the images.
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