Fire Pans?

Fire danger and the "leave no trace" idea. We have been doing this for years while on multi-day river trips. We don't have to worry about fire danger in a lot of camps along the rivers. However, everyone using a fire pan and carrying out the coals/ashes allows everyone to have a more pristine experience, or at least a cleaner camp when they arrive for their use. It's really not that much work once you get into the routine.

Thanks. I understand, especially in high use small areas like river camps. I understand the Rubicon Trail was experiencing "nasty" problems until enforcement of "pack it in, pack it out" was stepped up.

I've never been to BB so didn't realize the fire dangers. :)
I don't know, maybe it's me, but if I can't make a proper small fire, I'll just pass. Then again, where I camp few do so making fires is rarely a concern. I feel sorry for folks that are stuck camping in impacted areas but the rules to try to preserve them as best as possible make sense.
These may be a work around for a small fire.

Cape Cod Fire Log

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