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New Member
Nov 5, 2006
Hey all.
My neighbor gave my his 1979?? a few months ago and I just picked it up last night. WooHoo
Needs some work, but I am very happy to be an owner of a 4wheel camper!

I need a few suggestions on fixes.
1) do many people use camper jacks, or do they just get in the way too much? I use my truck as a truck too and need to take it off when done with a trip.
2) how easy is it to fix/patch the pop-up material or is it better to replace it?

Mine has a few water leaks, needs front lift/lock flap replaced, remove front "access to truck" boot removed and a window installed etc.

Should be a fun an light on the $$ project, especially since the camper was free.

Hi Tyson,

Congrats on the camper! I bolt my jacks on only when I am going to remove the camper and store it. When I have it on the truck, I remove the jacks.

Welcome! There is a great amount of FREE info on this site also. Which makes this a good place to visit. Almost all your questions can be answered by the knowledgeable people who visit here. So welcome aboard...captainkettel...

you can use vlp (vynal leather patch) and a chunk of a raft to patch with or even sew in a spot with a raft type vynal and put the vlp over the thread and edges of your patches to seal it. if your camper is a 1979 model it was probably bolted down threw the floor so you should make sure your floor pack is solid in all the spots it is stapeled to other wood. liquid nails and sheetrock screws will help out there. enjoy your camping.
Any particular brands of jacks better or worse for our campers? I know they don't need to be extremely heavy duty because of the light weight and that should keep the cost down too right?

Hi Tyson,

Congrats on the camper! I bolt my jacks on only when I am going to remove the camper and store it. When I have it on the truck, I remove the jacks.

there are good jacks and there are other jacks some jacks are down right scary to use the best light jack in my opinion is the zipcon mechanical jack. the information on it is already posted on this site under the heading found one. marty
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