First Trip


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2013
Lovingston, Virginia
I took my new Fleet out for it's first campout last weekend and this is my report.

We went to Cape Hatteras National Seashore, the Outer Banks of North Carolina. (I know this forum is about Wandering the West, but be patient with me - I'll get out west eventually!) It wasn't the wonderful beach weekend we had hoped for because it rained! The camper served us well, though. It kept us dry. We were out in the rain quite a bit, of course, but it was warm so getting wet wasn't uncomfortable. Walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night in the rain wasn't fun, but tolerable.

We had to stay in camprounds - the only choice - but it wasn't crowded and the noise of the generators in the huge rigs was not audible over the sound of the rain on our roof! The National Park campgrounds are pretty nice and close to the beach.

Saturday night it rained all night and the wind was strong and gusty off the ocean. The camper makes a lot of noise in the wind but the sound of the rain on the roof, though loud, was kind of fun. We both slept pretty well, in spite of being closed in a tiny space on a warm, humid night!

I took along a bunch of pieces of 5/4 x 6 (deck board) lumber for leveling, which worked well and was pretty easy in combination with adjusting the pressure in the air springs. Those boards are heavy, though. I need to look into getting something lighter -plastic? What do you use?

We weren't very well prepared in terms of what we took and where we stowed it, but I made some lists of things to get and mods to make. Cooking was easier than I thought it would be, but cleaning up was harder.

The batteries kept up with our use of lights, one of the fans and my CPAP machine all night. Also, the frige was running the whole time. We did drive for about an hour to a different campgound between the nights. I plan to install a solar collector so I can go for at least a couple of nights without driving, but it wouldn't have helped on this trip!

All-in-all, a successful trip and just the first of many!

- Bernard
Sounds like a good trip. Sometimes campgrounds are a great choice -- but you've got the option to go farther if you want to.

I'm sure you'll develop a packing system over time.

I don't think I have the best approach leveling, but I use short sections of 2x4. 2 or 3 layers is as high as I go though (partly because that's all the boards I have). They sell leveling blocks which might be light, but I haven't brought myself to pay for them.

Enjoy the camper!
Nice that you got out,that is the important thing.
Glad you had a nice time.
I also use wood 2x8x12" long. Also have 4 other pieces of 2x8 that get stored without getting in the way of anything else.
The two main blocks store on the outside of the camper.
My Bobcat extends just to the bumper of the Tundra so I have a space on the lower side of the camper,the wooden part,to store the blocks. They are my first go to for leveling.
Maybe someday if I find the right plastic ones I'll invest in them,but for now wood works.
bfh4n said:
I took my new Fleet out for it's first campout last weekend and this is my report.

We went to Cape Hatteras National Seashore, the Outer Banks of North Carolina. (I know this forum is about Wandering the West, but be patient with me - I'll get out west eventually!) It wasn't the wonderful beach weekend we had hoped for because it rained! The camper served us well, though. It kept us dry. We were out in the rain quite a bit, of course, but it was warm so getting wet wasn't uncomfortable. Walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night in the rain wasn't fun, but tolerable.

We had to stay in camprounds - the only choice - but it wasn't crowded and the noise of the generators in the huge rigs was not audible over the sound of the rain on our roof! The National Park campgrounds are pretty nice and close to the beach.

Saturday night it rained all night and the wind was strong and gusty off the ocean. The camper makes a lot of noise in the wind but the sound of the rain on the roof, though loud, was kind of fun. We both slept pretty well, in spite of being closed in a tiny space on a warm, humid night!

I took along a bunch of pieces of 5/4 x 6 (deck board) lumber for leveling, which worked well and was pretty easy in combination with adjusting the pressure in the air springs. Those boards are heavy, though. I need to look into getting something lighter -plastic? What do you use?

We weren't very well prepared in terms of what we took and where we stowed it, but I made some lists of things to get and mods to make. Cooking was easier than I thought it would be, but cleaning up was harder.

The batteries kept up with our use of lights, one of the fans and my CPAP machine all night. Also, the frige was running the whole time. We did drive for about an hour to a different campgound between the nights. I plan to install a solar collector so I can go for at least a couple of nights without driving, but it wouldn't have helped on this trip!

All-in-all, a successful trip and just the first of many!

- Bernard
Congrats. We picked up our Grandby on 8/1/14 and have taken 2 weekend trips and will be headed to the Great Smoky Mountains for a week in October. I purchased Andersen Mfg. levelers. They are plastic. I bought 2 and they each come with a wedge that slides under the leveler. There is a neat video that shows how they work.
We are looking forward to many nights under the stars. John
Congrats on the first trip and you stayed dry! that is the best part of a camper..

as to leveling. I just sleep on the bed with my head in whatever direction is the high side..
Hatteras is on my list, would to get some good surf while I'm there. I use wood for leveling also(I'm cheap), 4x4 sections used with the 2x10s pieces to make short ramps instead of stacking boards. One thing I did was remake the 4x4s out of cedar instead of the pine to save weight. The 2x10s will be remade next.
Some people don't realize the West really extends a long way to the East. Love the Outer Banks. Many years spent visiting around and flying over Pamlico Sound and Dare County in the Navy. Enjoy the new camper.

Forgot this part. I cut up some scrap 3/4" plywood. I carry 10 but obviously you can make as many as needed. Haven't had to use all 10 at once yet.
Yep - west is relative. I use the plastic blocks, smaller and lighter. Carry six (I think) and that it gets it close enough. Like Dauntless, look for the high side!
Adding my congrats, it will take awhile to get everything organized and we all take more than we need as least in the beginning.

Leveling Blocks
We have the yellow plastic cubes (Camping Worlld). Ok on asphalt.....NOT on dirt or sand as they sink into the ground. Have gone back to 2x8's - two 20 inch, two 17" , two 14". Mostly we just level with two 20 inch.

Place two " leveling" checkers on driver side of camper in front. Comp refer doesn't have to be level. Important to keep the pillow side little higher than foot side.
I head East to hit Nevada but when I'm feeling generous I'll take the West out to the Missisippi.

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