First visit Carrizo plains


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2016

We are planning a southward trip next month into March mostly looking for wildflowers and remote places.

Oddly, we have never been to Carrizo Plains and would welcome any comments.

Know it can be stupid crowded during the bloom.

Wondering about where to stay nearby that might be quiet....we leave only tire tracks

David Graves
David there are several members who can give you specific info

gegerubin tuffguy

I have been there 2 times but didn't camp conditions were not nice to spend the night.
But the flowers were great.
If you can go during the week that would be less crowded.
Enjoy the trip.
Only visited once, a drive through back in November 2007. Did a drive-by in September 2013, out CA 33 from Ojai to CA 166. There are some sizable areas of Los Padres NF lands on the southeast end of CPNM as well as to the west. Some of the NF lands along CA 33, south-southeast of Cuyama, hold some pretty good elevation, like +5,000'.

Don't overlook the Wallace Creek walking trail/exhibit, a self-guided trail along the San Andreas Fault. It's on the east flank of the NM.

Approaching from the north, consider Bitterwater Rd south/southeast from Cholame. Bitterwater Rd is sort of a "big sky" drive through semiarid rolling hills. Cholame is also the site of the "James Dean Memorial Junction", where JD was killed on Sept 30, 1955.

We have been there numerous times at the height of a big bloom, with hordes of people, and always managed to find a place to camp alone. Just take the road less traveled and you should not have a problem. The vast majority are day trippers anyway.

We live about 2.5 hours away and have been there many times . . . . in fact that is where my avatar is from. I agree 100% with Sunman, lots of places to camp, even in the heavy bloom season if you follow dirt roads toward the mountains on either side of the plain. Frank's point is also a good one, weekdays better than weekends during the bloom. Have a great trip!


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