Flagging Yosemite Permits on Craigslist


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2009
Stockton CA
There are still tickets brokers selling camping and half dome permits on Craigslist. Ebay has stopped listing them. Craigslist does not prohibit them they just removed them as they are flagged. I have written Yosemite, my Congressman and my Senator asking them to have the FBI make an example of one of these brokers. I replied to one of the brokers and was told the free half dome permits were $10 to $40 each depending on the date. The $20 camping permits were $120 and up per day.

Please email your Representative and do a search on Craigslist for HALF DOME PERMITS this will bring up a list some are free as they should be most are not. FLAG as prohibited and the posting will come down, it will be up again with in the hour so keep going back.

Thank you.

Bill in Stockton
I found a few of the listings you mentioned and flagged them.
So, is it illegal to sell National Park permits, period, or is it only illegal to sell them for more than what the N.P. charges?

Call me naive -- I never realized that there was scalping in N.P. permits! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though.
(If we had fewer people in the world there would be less of this -- damn breeders...but that's my soapbox issue)

(BTW: I'm not very experienced with Craigslist, but I was surprised to discover that "yosemite permit" returns fewer hits than "yosemite permits"... :oops: What kind of search engine doesn't return hits for a singular version keyword ("permit") of a plural listing ("permits")?

Thanks for calling attention to this, Bill!
Below is from the Yosemite Reservation website.

Alerts and Important Information

**Resale or Auction of Advance Reservations is Prohibited. Advance reservations made through the national reservation service may not be advertised or otherwise offered for resale or auction.
I used "allofcraigs.com" to search and found quite a few but they all had been flagged :) , except a few that said they were just giving them away as they could use them. Maybe these people will be driven out of business!
Using crazedlist.org to search all CA, OR, and NV regions I flagged those not already flagged. Except for these two:
These are up now please flag

I emailed each the following will post if I get a reply.

Do not support illegal scalpers!

Some people have reserved all of Half Dome permits for the purpose of reselling. This is illegal and it hurts you! Do not pay more than $1.50 for each permit.

The National Park Service web site states the law:
The hiking permit cannot be resold or auctioned. Resale of this permit is a violation of Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, section 1.6. This is about federal law, not state law.

Click here http://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/hdfaq.htm and scroll down to "Are the permits transferable?".

If you respond to an ad for Half Dome permits and they ask you to pay more than $1.50, DO NOT buy! Remember, you'll have to eventually meet-up with these scammers in person!

If you want to give your Half Dome permits away for free, state that in your ad.
If you want to trade them for another date, post an ad in the "barter" section.
If you have HalfDome permits that you cannot use or give away, cancel them.

Location: Thanks for flagging illegal scalpers!
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2550643122
Just ran a search again, and flagged several more - all worded similarly. Wonder when they'll get the msg?
Just ran a search again, and flagged several more - all worded similarly. Wonder when they'll get the msg?

When will people stop trying to make money in sleazy ways?
Probably not until "The Matrix" becomes real...or maybe later.
Found a couple more that hadn't yet been flagged. Think that I'll stop searching all of OR and NV as there have yet to be any show up there.
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