FLATBED Camper Build...All Aluminum, Summer 2022


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2014
Reno, NV
So, I've been wanting to build a flatbed camper for quite sometime now, but I wanted to wait until I retired as I knew it'd be very time consuming.

I retired at the end of June (2022) and a couple of days later, I got to work. I had already ordered most of the materials i.e. aluminum, door, windows, cooktop, sink, mattress, etc. and had them stockpiled so that I could get right to work.

Here is the link to my FLATBED CAMPER BUILD on my blog.
Thanks for all of the compliments. It’s coming along. I’m trying to at least get it sealed up before the winter weather comes. Once it’s sealed, I can work on the interior.
Very nicely done! Love seeing other fabricators builds. Wishing you good luck as you continue the process, and hope all materials needed will be available. Also congrats on your retirement, it’s a wonderful experience, and a great time to tackle a big project. Hopefully you can spend time daily so your camper is completed in a timely manner. Looking forward to more progress reports!
so, what is an olympic tri fold rivet? and does it require a special installation tool?
nice work, and good luck !

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