Forests opening early


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Don't forget the exceptions.

All but five of California’s national forests — previously closed under an emergency order issued in late August — will reopen two days early, officials said Tuesday.

The closure order will end at 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, two days before Friday’s original end date, according to an announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service’s Pacific Southwest Region.

Forest-wide closures will remain in place until midnight Sept. 22 for the Los Padres, Angeles, San Bernardino and Cleveland national forests in Southern California because of “weather and fire factors,” and a temporary strain on firefighting resources battling blazes in other areas of the state, the Forest Service said.

In addition, the El Dorado National Forest in Northern California will stay closed until Sept. 30, the Forest Service said.
A friend has a cabin on private property in TNF, and was allowed to enter off Hwy 20 / Bowman Rd.
Their friends came up later and were turned around at a checkpoint in Bear Valley, until they could have an escort.

Good news to see the forests opening back up though.
Just to be completely clear, the Eldorado National Forest will remain closed until September 30, 2021 -

[SIZE=9pt]U.S. Forest Service [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Eldorado National Forest [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]100 Forni Road [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Placerville, CA 95667 [/SIZE]


[SIZE=36pt]News Release[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]For Immediate Release[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]September 15, 2021[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Public Inquiries: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Regional Hotline:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] 707-562-9113[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Media Contact[/SIZE]: [SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]​

U.S. Forest Service Pacific West Region News Release
Eldorado National Forest Emergency Closure Continues through September 30th as USDA Forest Service Reopens Other Forests in California

[SIZE=9pt]** This modified version of a regional news release issued yesterday is to emphasize the separate closure order for the Eldorado National Forest which is still in effect.**[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]VALLEJO, Calif., — [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]T[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]he [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region will end the regional closure order affecting most National Forests in California at 11:59 [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]pm [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]today[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] -- Wednesday, Sept. 15 -- two days prior to the original end date of Sept. 17. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]This change does not apply to the emergency closure order for the Eldorado National Forest which remains in effect through September 30, 2021. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]F[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]orest-wide closures will also remain in place and will be extended until midnight on September 22[/SIZE]nd[SIZE=10.5pt] on the Los Padres, Angeles, San Bernardino, and Cleveland National Forests in Southern California due to local weather and fire factors, as well as a temporary strain on firefighting resources supporting large fires in other areas of the state. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]In addition to the four National Forests that will remain closed in Southern California, some National Forest System lands throughout the state will be closed under local closure orders in areas of ongoing wildfires to ensure public safety. The Eldorado National Forest emergency closure is due to ongoing hazards associated with the Caldor Fire. Fire restrictions also remain in place across all National Forests in California to prevent new fire starts. Please refer to the local National Forest that you plan to visit to obtain specific information on closures and restrictions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“We are constantly evaluating weather and fire conditions in California, as well as regional and national firefighting resources available to us so that we can ensure the safety of the public and our firefighters,” said Regional Forester Jennifer Eberlien. “Some factors are more favorable now, which is why I decided to end the regional closure order. I want to thank the public and our partners for their patience and understanding during these challenging times.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Factors leading to this decision include:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]1. Anticipated increase of firefighting resource availability to California due to fire danger lessening in other areas of the country.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]2. Regional weather systems and related climate zones becoming more variable as the seasons change, leading to less uniform conditions across California. Where weather and fire danger remain high, tailored fire restrictions and closures remain in place locally and may be added where necessary.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]3. Peak summer visitation has tapered off significantly since the Labor Day holiday weekend. The public is a critical partner in mitigating risk and recreating responsibly on our National Forests.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]4. We recognize the important role of National Forests to peoples’ livelihood and quality of life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Favorable fire conditions remain throughout many parts of the state, and the public’s role in recreating responsibly has never been more important. We remind visitors to practice self-sufficiency during visits to National Forests, be aware of fire conditions in the area you are visiting and follow guidelines to prevent human-caused fire starts. Best practices include:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]• Heed local information regarding trails and campgrounds, especially fire restrictions [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] and closures. Generally, camp stoves with a shutoff valve will be allowed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]• Be proactive in your thinking about preventing fire starts. Smoking, parking in grass, flammable material, and other activities could cause fire ignition under dry conditions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]• COVID-19 remains a concern. Maintain at least six feet distance from others. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]• Do not gather in groups and please follow the latest guidance from officials. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]• Communicate with others as you pass. Alert trail users of your presence and step [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] aside to let others pass.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]• Pack out your trash and leave with everything you bring in and use.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]• All services may not be available, so please plan accordingly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]More than 7,404 wildfires have burned over 2.25 million acres across all jurisdictions in California. The nation remains at Preparedness Level 5 (PL5); the Northern California Geographic Area is at PL5, and the Southern California Geographic Area has moved up to PL4.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest is largely in California but is in the Intermountain Region (R4) and is not impacted by the previous closure order.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The Forest Service thanks our partners and the public for their cooperation and understanding. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Citizens with specific questions within their area should consult their local forest website or social media pages for more information.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]### [/SIZE]​
The Caldor is still actively burning. Lots of trails impacted and will remain closed until it is made safe for the public. Could be many months! We will be assisting with support when we are called with chainsaws and tools to make trails safe.

The Lake Tahoe region forest closure order will be terminated at midnight Wednesday, once again allowing beach goers and some back country enthusiasts access in areas not immediately affected by the Caldor Fire. The order was originally longer but moved up two days due to better conditions.
The Forest Service had issued temporary closure orders for 18 National Forests in California at end of August, and Lake Tahoe areas August 22 due to the unprecedented and historic fire conditions throughout the state. Since many Lake Tahoe area beaches fall under USFS, they were also closed.
Starting Thursday, Sept. 16, Pope, Baldwin, Kiva Beaches on SR89, Camp Richardson Resort, Nevada Beach, Round Hill Pines, Zephyr Cove Beach and Campground, Chimney Beach, Secret Cove, Meeks Bay Resort, Taylor Creek, Tallac Historic Site and Valhalla are all able to reopen. Many campgrounds that had been included in the closure are now starting their seasonal closures so check ahead for camping.

The Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) closure order remains in effect for the following backcountry areas: Desolation Wilderness, Meiss Country, Barker Pass and McKinney/Rubicon through Sep. 19, 2021. Access and orders will be refined over time. See more here.
A new closure order is in the works for the Caldor Fire area and more information will be released shortly. This will include the area above Pioneer Trail, Powerline Trail, Trimmer Peak and other spots within the footprint of the fire. There are still hot spots and dangerous areas along with the need for major restoration before bikes and hikers will be allowed inside the perimeter of the fire.

A Burned Area Emergency Response Team (BAER) has started evaluating the Caldor Fire area. This is a rapid assessment of burned watersheds by a BAER team to identify imminent post-wildfire threats to human life and safety, property, and critical natural or cultural resources on National Forest System lands and take immediate actions to implement emergency stabilization measures before the first post-fire damaging events.
Here is a email news letter I just received.



Forest Closures Update and Trail Outlook
[SIZE=12pt]September 15, 2021 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Dear Friends,

I've shed more than a few tears this past month - for our community, my house, the critters of the Tahoe Basin, my friends, and my beloved trail. While the eye leaking started with smoke and sadness, it's been transformed by an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

[SIZE=12pt]In the past week, as evacuation orders have lifted, many of us have returned to town to witness firsthand the magnitude of the effort put in to limit the powerful destructive forces the Caldor Fire marched to our doorstep. Convoys of heavy machinery and fire engines, emblazoned with logos of cities, counties, and agencies from around the West roll through town reminding us of the herculean efforts of more than 5,000 firefighters and other first responders who descended on the Tahoe Basin.

The Tahoe Rim Trail Association extends our sincere gratitude to these responders as well as our partners and our trails community. You all went above and beyond - from the firefighters who made a special effort to carefully fold and store the American flag that hung on one of our Crew Leader's evacuated front porches to our members who checked in on our office, volunteered to help move gear and tools, and offered up places to stay for our evacuated staff.

Not all of us were so lucky. Our friends and neighbors have lost homes and livelihoods which is a reality far too prevalent across the west this summer. Our recreational infrastructure has taken a massive hit. While this past weekend's clear blue sky made it easier to look past what transpired in the last few weeks, the fire is still actively burning and we anticipate sections of the TRT will be closed until next year.


Forest Closures
[SIZE=12pt]Region-wide forest closure orders for the State of California will end tonight at midnight. This will open a massive amount of recreational infrastructure to the public. The Tahoe Basin still has active fire burning and will not be fully open. There is a backcountry closure on the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unithttps://tahoerimtrail.us13.list-man...37b8d7fcb7585e6f99&id=90ed1a470b&e=35d196193e through the 19th of September and the Eldorado National Forest is currently closed through September 30[/SIZE]. Lake Tahoe Nevada State Parks are closed through the 17th. Additionally, El Dorado County has evacuation orders that restrict access to the trail as well. Check out the map below for an overview of what is opening when across these various jurisdictions. We will keep our website and social media pages up to date with any changes to these closures. Please be respectful of these closures and remain outside of the impacted areas for your safety and so that the essential firefighting and restoration work can continue.


[SIZE=12pt]It will be some time before we are able to assess the full scope of the impact of this fire but we know issues like erosion, tree mortality, and invasive species will be challenges along with rebuilding trails. When these areas reopen, users need to be vigilant in evaluating their surroundings and prepare for everything from flash flooding to falling trees.

Fire has come and gone through the Tahoe Basin for generations. As humans, our concept of time is relatively short and fire impacts on what we see as essential qualities of a trail experience can be devastating. Trails aren't just the 12- to 24-inch tread surface which we will restore. It's the trees, viewshed, plants, and landscape that make the Tahoe Rim Trail experience so special. These qualities take time and energy to restore, sometimes generations. The fire highlights that our work to champion trails doesn't stop at the trail tread or even the trail corridor but requires investment and care at the watershed level and beyond. Here at the Tahoe Rim Trail Association, we will continue to invest in this work and look forward to getting out on the trail as soon as possible to start the process of rebuilding. We'll keep you updated as this work proceeds.
[SIZE=12pt]With Gratitude,

Morgan Steel
Executive Director
Tahoe Rim Trail Association

[SIZE=9pt]Mailing address:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]PO Box 3267, Stateline, NV 89449
Physical address:

128 Market Street, STE 3E, Stateline, NV 89449

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences
or unsubscribe from this list[/SIZE]

Copyright © 2021 Tahoe Rim Trail Association, All rights reserved.

None of our fires are "out". Conditions are much improved and the forecast rain on the way should help a lot. Probably just in time for Southern California to start burning. I hope the troops get a chance to rest before they're sent south.

I suspect a lot of roads and trails will be "closed" for quite a while. After the Walker fire the road to Antelope Lake was closed for tree removal and boulder dynamiting for a few months. After that it remained officially closed but they didn't stop anyone from using it at their own risk.

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