Riley's Human
I turn on the radio this morning. Fire has grown but doesn't sound too bad. Aircraft are able to fly. Looks like they'll be able to get a hand on this one and maybe send some equipment to the Bear fire.
Report comes in of an illegal camper with illegal campfire. Suspended license and registration comes back impounded. Obviously we're plumbing the depths of the gene pool here. Then the three plus dog toss their gear in the truck and flee. Uh dude, they know who you are and where you live, not to mention it might be interesting getting past the roadblocks.
Just when you think you've heard it all someone comes along and proves you wrong.
Report comes in of an illegal camper with illegal campfire. Suspended license and registration comes back impounded. Obviously we're plumbing the depths of the gene pool here. Then the three plus dog toss their gear in the truck and flee. Uh dude, they know who you are and where you live, not to mention it might be interesting getting past the roadblocks.
Just when you think you've heard it all someone comes along and proves you wrong.