Forum changes


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
I rearranged the forums a bit and added some categories to group forums under. New is the "Trip Planning" forum. Please post questions about where to go, trail conditions etc in that forum. The Trip Reports forum should be for trip descriptions and photos only.

Thought I'd mention something that happens to me...dunno if anyone else is as slow on the uptake/spew forth as i am/// or if that is it at all.....but here goes...

When I first come to WTW I can find a button that says "Todays' Posts".

I've found that if I don't read ALL of the posts on this page before going back in and which i nearly ALWAYS get timed out for some reason before I can reply (yes..long winded and looking for Twinkies may not help, but even so i'm not a slow typist) I will no longer be able to see all of the posts from the last 24 hours.

See....after I get timed out...and re-sign in...I can only access the "new posts" button (somehow replacing the "today's posts" button)...and if I am the only one here...the only *new post* I see is my own and all of the other posts from the previous 24 hours are no longer on one page and I must then go into each forum/thread and look at/read the newer messages.

Make any sense?

No BIG deal...just something that makes it easy to miss a few messages here/there. Anyone else have this happen?


Mark the "remember me" box when you sign in and you won't get timed out, it took me quite a few months to figure that one out. The "Todays Posts" tab is on the main bar when you are not signed in and under "Quick Links" when you are signed in. When I am unable or forget, which is often, to finish the posts through the new posts I go back to todays posts to catch up. Trial and error, trial and error and then maybe I get it worked out.
Thanks for the Trip Planning!

Aside from the great ideas for mods, trip planning is the main reason I started coming to WTW. Great addition.:cool:
check box in front of message

The check in front of the subject line indicates that it is new since you last logged on and jumps you to the point in the thread where you last viewed. I try to stay current so that I can just check those. I only wish the front page would expand to include all that you haven't read. But I guess that if you didn't check in as compulsively as I try to, it might become a very long list. Muchas gracias to the moderators.
is there a performance issue? the forum display seems delayed as compared to the ad section on the top half of the screen.
"I've noticed the same performance delay.
It started this morning."

Getting old is not for the faint of heart!

Boy you can say that again.................:thumb:

New posts - WTW

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