Fridge runs in "off" position


Advanced Member
May 13, 2008
At least I think it's running. The fan runs on the outside of the camper, and I think it starts to get a little colder inside.

I'm new to this, haven't actually had the camper out yet. It's in my garage getting a new window, sink, and some minor surgery to make it fit my GM-type cargo bed. While working, I plug in the AC so I can have light inside. The last few times I've done this the Norcold 3-way refrigerator runs, even with the switch in the off position. The only way I can get it to stop running is to unplug the shore power.

Is this normal? I'm wondering if the fridge is merely trying to "start up," that is, get down to operation temperature--that maybe it's an automatic function independent of the operating controls on the front panel.

I have the owner's manual, such as it is, but there's nothing in it that helps.
I've had several RV refers, and none of mine had a fan.
If it's not shown in your user's manual, it must have been added by the previous owner.

Can you describe where the fan is located, and what it seems to be doing?
It's a small black fan made by Mechantronics, like those used in older computer towers. It's black, about 6" wide, and is blowing air to the outside of the camper. Since the upper panel of the two panels behind the fridge is screwed shut, I can't readily access it, but I can see it by looking through the louvers with a flashlight.

Just to eliminate things, I checked all the camper's fuses and circuit breakers, and tried unplugging the AC and turning on the battery power. Same thing happens on either AC or 12V.

Could this have happened because I pushed the two red buttons on the front panel? Was just fiddling around. I'm thinking some kind of safety ventilation, but the propane has been firmly shut off at both valves since I've had the camper.

One other thing: I let the fan run for a while, but the fridge vanes didn't get cold, so it appears that the fridge isn't running, just that fan. At least that's how it appears to me.
Update: The previous owner just emailed me suggesting that the extra toggle switch inside the camper, exactly like the one that turns on the floodlights but around the corner from it and semi-hidden, might be for turning on that fan. I tried, and he was right. This must be some kind of ventilation option that was put on as an extra.

Stan, if you read this, could you explain? Thanks.

BTW, a teenager was in the camper the other day "trying things," so he must have turned on that switch. Sure am glad to know there's nothing wrong with the fridge!
I don't think pushing any buttons would cause this to happen. But where are the buttons? Do you have any instructions on their use? I guess one could be a push on-push off type. Might be time to play with them.

I suspect it is wired to the 12V. If the battery is connected, it runs. If the 120V is plugged in, your battery charger provides 12V.

Sounds like an add on fan, probably because there was a cooling issue. It doesn't sound like a factory job, and might have been done by a previous owner, or repair shop. When traveling in hot areas, a fan can help a marginal frig, or a poor ventilation problem.
That is a fan unit that FWC is putting in if you have the bigger unit with freezer. The switch inside is a standard itiem from FWC and is very easy to trip. I replaced my friends with a firmer throw switch.

The fan has a thermal switch near the top of the vent and will turn on when the temp gets too hot and auto turn off when the temp drops. The fan allows the refg to work more effecient.

The manual switch inside is there for you to turn on if you feel like it.
Yep, Patrick explained it well.

The switch is there if you want to use it to turn the refrigerator vent fan on, but it is not necessary.

For the most part you can leave it "off" and forget about it.

If it gets too hot outside, the refrigerator vent fan will come on automatically.

We have thought about removing the extra switch beacuse it confuses many customers, but we have decided to leave it in there as a bonus (just in case the customers wants to use it).

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