FWC / ATC depreciation

RC Pilot Jim

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2010
San Diego Calif
Attention "bean" counters.

Does anyone know the depreciation percentage of these campers over time? It has to be better than a standard RV.....
I would think so, but I didn't buy mine for an investment. It is good that they keep their value.
Neither did I Ron. This morning I was working in Quickbooks and decreasing the value in some of my "rolling stock" and wondered if there was anything published on campers. I assume the percentage is 5- ?? % per year in the first 3 years. Good thing is the prices of the new ones increase 6-10% a year. and the used ones are in high demand. :)
That is a great testimonial to a great camper, Bill..

We have a new slogan for Tom and Four Wheel. "Buy a camper and watch it appreciate over time!!"
I think the people that make money are the ones that got a great deal on a used camper and sold it for more. Unless of course FWC raises the prices on new campers exponentially :eek:
I bought my 2003 Eagle a year ago. All the original paper work had been saved including the bill of sale. I paid the same amount the original owner did 11 years ago and felt like I got a good deal.
After selling our 2003 Hawk earlier this year for a new one, I figured it cost us about $200 dollars a year. Maybe $250 if you include the mods I added. The number of days we camp per year quintupled. We made a lot of friends during that time. And we are constantly asked about the camper, including today at a gas station. There may be better financial investments, there are definitely worse investments, but none have given me as much satisfaction as our camper.
Thank you all for your input.
Ted, I too get approached all the time. Now I carry brochures in the glove box and hand out about 6-8 per year. Recently I stopped at Camping World and saw 2 in the parking lot. As we were shaking hands and visiting we attracted 3 lookers and wound up doing "show and tell" for 45 minutes!!

The RV sales guys next to us on the RV lot were getting jealous.
I bought my used 2000 Hawk in 2004 for $4400, used the heck out of it, sold it for $1500 a few weeks ago to a young couple who contacted me before I had a chance to list it for sale. I'm sure that I could have gotten more $$$. Note that I kept the jacks and thermal liner, which saves me $695 + $475 on the purchase price of the new Hawk I just order. Netting out those retained items, and igorning inflation, that's a depreciation in basis of $1730, or $173/year, i.e., a few bucks per night used, i.e., a screaming deal. The new Hawk on order will cost me around 3X more than the first one and my plan is to use it even more than my first Hawk.
Depreciation on popup campers is very location specific. You can't give one away here in the gulf coast. I tried selling for a while and ended up losing my butt trading it on my Lance.
The prob with FWC in gulf coast is HUMIDITY and heat in the summer. Even with window a/c except for the Grandby or Keystone they are not large enough for a family to be inside during the summer months.

They are designed for cold country and the desert.

If I had one I wanted to sell and lived down there I would haul it to Colorado or Wisconsin, have the FWC dealer sell it on consignment.

Folks looking for a cheap FWC should monitor Craigs list for your area.

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