FWC/ATC gatherings/rallys?


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2006
Are there any gatherings/rallys for owners of FWC and ATC?

It's always interesting to visit with other likeminded individuals.

Boy, I for one would love it if there were. Even unofficial stuff like was offered up a while ago in Death Valley. Count me in if something goes and I can make it.
Sounds like a good idea to me.

Looking at the locations listed by our names, we are spread out over much of the country. It might be hard to organize something formal. I like the way Simimike did it - letting people know where and when he is going and opening it up to others (even though we missed each other in Death Valley).

That said, we have a couple of trips planned and would enjoy meeting up with others along the way. We will be in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks May 28 through June 7. Sorry, not sure yet which campgrounds on which nights. Also will be in Yosemite NP August 9-12.

As discussed earlier with Simimike, a trip to Lassen Volcanic NP this summer sounds good. Perhaps in September following Labor Day??? Anyone else want to try to make it or let others know about upcoming trips?

Lassen would be a good location. Close enough for our friends in Washington , Oregon and So. and No. Cal. The last time I was there was about 30 years ago.so my memory is just a memory. Let's pencil it in as a possible maybe.
Lassen trip dates

I threw out September after Labor Day based on already having a trip planned in August. However, my better half is concerned that might be getting too late in the season. So anything from mid-August on works for us.
i know a pretty good camp site 3.2 miles north of St. Bernard which is on hwy 36......west of lake almanor.
its called willow spring campground.
That whole area is nice. I spent one fire season in Westwood (east of lake almanor) and my dads taken me camping/fishing up in the neck of the woods. I need to go back to hole in rock campground.
Beartooth Pass, MT. memorial day weekend? Its snowing right now in Bozeman! Weather should be, ahhh, interesting?
Wish I could commit to something, but with picking up new employment I can't say what I'll be able to do this year yet. Probably not much. /sigh I was one of the most senior employees, now I'm starting over at the bottom. :(
Lassen over the 4th?

Still need to post my trip report from Yellowstone a couple of weeks ago but am planning another quick trip to Lassen NP over the 4th of July. The 4th is on a Wednesday this year so we will leave that day and extend it through the weekend. We plan on staying a couple of nights at Crater Lake, not the one in Oregon but the one east of Lassen, and haven't decided where for the other nights. Any suggestions on where to stay? Anyone else going to be around or want to get together?

Aug. 13, 2007- Perseid meteor shower

How about a So. Cal Trip for a new moon view of the Perseid meteor shower which is predicted to peek Monday night, Aug. 13?
Lassen over the 4th


Excellent! Still haven't set an itinerary. I would like to hike to the summit of Mt. Lassen. I hear it is fairly easy. Otherwise I am open as to where to stay or go.

Scratch that. Went ahead and reserved a site to make sure we had a space. Will be staying at Summit Lake South campground the 4th and 5th for sure and possibly the 6th. Still hope to do Crater Lake east of the park and/or another campground on the eastern side of the park. They don't take reservations so I will play those by ear.

Count me IN

I would definitely attend if it were somewhere in the west. I live in Santa Cruz, CA. The further away it was the more time I would need to get time off.

Great idea and one that I was hoping we could further on a regular basis with this website.

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