FWC Camper Hawk Pull Handle Above Cab Over Bed Area


Advanced Member
Oct 26, 2017
Southern California
Has anyone come up with a hack for the pull handle that sits above bed area for a quick release or some type of system that you don't have to sleep with it above your head. My girlfriend keeps bumping in to it.
I used two ,1"x 2" aluminum pieces. They are mounted on either side of the folding panel so that when they are swung down they trap the lower panel. Sorry but I'm evidently not smart enough to post pictures!
Stormfishing said:
Has anyone come up with a hack for the pull handle that sits above bed area for a quick release or some type of system that you don't have to sleep with it above your head. My girlfriend keeps bumping in to it.
LOL, we use it as a place to store things - socks, clock, tissue, etc
Edgewood I know what you mean about the pictures very difficult to post but I would love to see your aluminum pieces. Were you able to eliminate your pull handle completely
I thought I'd try my hand at posting a picture of the pull handle. First time I've tried to post a picture


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My wife hits the handle all the time crawling into bed and complains about it.

What about the strap to lock it like Squach says and shortening the handle. You could shorten enough to hang down flat against the panel.
I don't know about you, but a shorter handle would make it impossible to use it to help get the roof up. I'm thinking the OP may want a handle that is removable. I've thinking of a round stick with a receiver pocket. Insert into pocket and shove it and the roof up. Remove from pocket and store. A shovel handle with the wide grip at the end might be good source for the new device.

Oh, and a sewn on strap would replace the ability to tug on the front panels to help get them started down.
Funny, the bracket on the push board broke and for about a year and half we would lay the board aside while sleeping. But one windy night in the Maze we woke up freaking out that the front end would collapse on us so we now keep it in place, I.e dealer replaced the bracket. But we did enjoy the head room while not up.
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