FWC for sale in Lodi California


Advanced Member
Nov 18, 2016
Has anyone looked at the 2000 FWC for sale in Lodi California?
Live on the east coast and am thinking of purchasing site unseen.
Any help would be great.
Camper is for sale on Expedition portal.
May also be here on WTW.
This one?


I texted back and forth with the owner, and he seems to be a straight shooter. I think its a fair price. In early December a similar eagle was for sale here in colorado for $10,500, later to be dropped to $9500.

Kinda surprised its still around. It was just a bit to far away for me given my current traveling....

Yes price is good maybe to good.
I'm waiting for pictures lots! of them before I think about making an offer. On the ➕ side I found a transporter that will ship it to the east coast for $1,000 which is a great price.
Jeff good luck hope it works out for ya . Like we talked about before .

Sent from my iPhone using Wander The West
Some things to consider as I purchased an eagle of that same vintage. Vinyl, fabric on ceiling, leaks, cushions, floor covering, front and back push boards.

All can be redone if you are handy. I had ATC do my vinyl and boards. We did the rest but our starting price was lower.
Thanks kmcintyre.. Good points it is an older model. Haven't hear from the owner yet. But I've got to know a few transport company's who will ship to me from the west coast for good prices so all campers are now a possibility.
TacomaJeff said:
Thanks kmcintyre.. Good points it is an older model. Haven't hear from the owner yet. But I've got to know a few transport company's who will ship to me from the west coast for good prices so all campers are now a possibility.
Good luck. They are actually quite fun to work on and I've almost taken mine down to the bare walls at various times and have cleaned, replaced, etc. most items on it at some point. One other thing... mine had some of the white (plastic) stuff on the walls peeling. I haven't done anything about that except put a mirror of one section.
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