Gas/oil prices?

Casa Escarlata Robles Too

C'est la vie
Site Team
Oct 16, 2009
monterey bay area
Seems a bit strange,5 years ago today a barrel of oil was $147 ,the record high.Gas on the other hand was about the same as today ,for us here in Monterey $3.69/$4.00 a gal.Now if oil is about 30% less today,$100 a barrel what gives.
I think ,as Bert Reynolds said in "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas", ....someone is pissing on my boots,and telling me it's raining.
Just food for thought.Guess we just keep subsidizing the big oil and enjoy it while we have it.

(non of the fore going thoughts are those of the WTW site or anyone else,just IMO)
Thanks for reading this.

Here's what one of my more conservative friends sent my last year.


Of course, we always like to blame the politicians currently in office.
Not to mention one of my favorite sayings... "What is the opposite of Progress... Congress!"

Frankly, I'm glad my portfolio has a fair about invested in energy companies, the return on investment has been really good the past few years. I appreciate the rest of you guys helping to pay for my gasoline.

So, until I can get a fuel cell pickup truck, keep on trucking, guys.
Alley-Kat,I couldn't agree with you any more.
Yes energy is a good investment,even the alternative type.
We gotta have the energy to go the places we want and need, I guess we should feel thankful that we are somewhat free to have that fun.
Fuel prices at the pump vary due to many factors other than the spot market crude oil prices. Both crude oil and refined fuels are fungible commodities and the market for each sets the price and does so at each step in the process of getting it to the pumps we fill our tank from. To believe that oil companies can manipulate the pump prices is to ignore the study of economics.

For a study of a monopoly and its manipulation of product prices and "obscene profits", look at Apple.

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