Gearing Up!


Advanced Member
Sep 3, 2020
A question for those of you who've owned Alaskans for a spell:

Can you provide an "essentials" list when it comes to tools and other items you simply won't leave home without?

Now, I'm not talking about cups and saucers (although, those just may be critical to your setup!) but rather...

- "I have a set of very specific screw drivers..." or
- "I have fittings and electrical gear..." or
- "I always carry a bottle of hydraulic fluid..."
- etc...

I'd love to get a list going that speaks to both gear "what" and "why"- breaking it all down as follows:

1. MUST HAVE - Simply cannot leave home without these things.
2. Nice to Have - Items that make life much easier when "ooot and a'boot".
3. Luxury (...but I bring it anyway) - Just because I can and I love it.

My ulterior motive should be obvious: I simply don't know what I don't know and am looking for seasoned Alaskaners to help fill in the blank. When I get to the point of my maiden voyage I'd like to be well past the 80/20 rule and honing my gear list instead of running to the local 5&Dime because I've missed something in prep.

Would love to know your thoughts.
(transferred from home to camper)
Espresso Beans
Scale to weigh my Espresso Beans
Grinder for Espresso Beans
Kettle with Thermometer for exact temperature
WDT Tool
(always stored in camper/truck)
Bottled water
Extra fluids/additives (silicone for if/when the Upper half starts acting up)
Fuses including non standard one such as Victron Shunt etc.
Extra Batteries for testers etc.
Hose clamps
basic tools for doing simple jobs (AAA to hand the rest)
Ditty bag
Clothes soap and quarters
TP/paper towels
Commode chemicals plus Pine-sol
spare 4lb Ragu bottles for Nocturia :)
Rain Jacket
Basic food stuff for my ICECO 12V fridge (once I get close to my destination I forget to stop and grocery stores lol)
I always have a note placed somewhere to remind me to make sure my Fantastic Fan is bungy corded shut !
Bluetti charged up and solar panels packed away
Clean cookware from last trip
Cyalume Glow Sticks
Garbage bags
Pedastal Adapters
Gray water/intake hoses
Water filters
Teknomad said:
(transferred from home to camper)
Espresso Beans
Scale to weigh my Espresso Beans
Grinder for Espresso Beans
Kettle with Thermometer for exact temperature
WDT Tool
(always stored in camper/truck)
Bottled water
Extra fluids/additives (silicone for if/when the Upper half starts acting up)
Fuses including non standard one such as Victron Shunt etc.
Extra Batteries for testers etc.
Hose clamps
basic tools for doing simple jobs (AAA to hand the rest)
Ditty bag
Clothes soap and quarters
TP/paper towels
Commode chemicals plus Pine-sol
spare 4lb Ragu bottles for Nocturia :)
Rain Jacket
Basic food stuff for my ICECO 12V fridge (once I get close to my destination I forget to stop and grocery stores lol)
I always have a note placed somewhere to remind me to make sure my Fantastic Fan is bungy corded shut !
Bluetti charged up and solar panels packed away
Clean cookware from last trip
Cyalume Glow Sticks
Garbage bags
Pedastal Adapters
Gray water/intake hoses
Water filters

Thx Technomad, that's exceptional list to start the discussion.

I especially liked the glow sticks and fuses.

- Thomas
I have a 14 page checklist. Not all of that is "wouldn't leave home without it" or unique to Alaskan's. The extra hydraulic fluid and commode chemicals seem to be more like what you were asking about?
Not really. I always carry a decent tool selection - VOM, jumper wires, screwdrivers, wrenches, sockets, allen wrenches, electrical and other pliers, big Crescent wrench, arborist saw, nitrile gloves. These allow me to troubleshoot and repair just about anything that might go amiss, short of catastrophe. There are some O-rings for the hydraulic system, various other spares (mostly leftover from past work on the rig), and all of the literature that goes along with the truck, the Alaskan, its appliances. A powerful rechargeable headlamp. All in all, it's maybe 10 lbs of stuff. Also, of course, stuff that has nothing to do with the Alaskan - shovel, come-along, tow strap, pieces of old carpet. Usually I have a bicycle, which would be handy if the rig died utterly. And I usually try to have a full water tank and at least a week's worth of food onboard (sometimes 2 weeks). Basically that's all to deal with desperate stuff, like a breakdown in the middle of nowhere during a blizzard. If something goes wrong but I can still make it to Civilization (like, Walmart), then I go there and buy what I need to make life good again.

Here's the basic gearlist:
Gearlist - Camper

Office/folder with permits, checkbook, pencil, pen, pad of paper
Short shovel, come-along, tow strap
GPS, GPS cradle & cord
First-aid kit
Phone-to-radio cable
2-slot USB charger, iPhone, Phone charge cable
Dog towel
Dog **** bags
Tree laser

Bulk foods in plastic containers with tight-fitting lids (see Alaskan Pantry list), dish soap, propane cylinders

Cutting board, 3 cups, 3 bowls, 2 plates, dog dish, 3 spoons, 3 forks, kitchen knife, corkscrew, can opener, lighter, spatula, scrub-sponge, dish soap, dish towel, at least 2 lighters, other utensils trip-specific

Saucepan, fry pan, baking pan, 1 roll paper towels, dish towel

Mixed lightweight food

Propane heater
Whisk broom and pan
Graywater drain hose

Bag with sleeping bag, couplet, fitted and loose sheets
2 nice pillows with cases
Bag with clothes (separate sub-list)
Toiletries bag (separate sub-list)
REI lawn chair
Big Agnes camp shelter

Silky saw
4 18” 2x4’s (for leveling)
Standard moto tool roll plus big screwdriver and 12” Crescent wrench
Elec. extension cord (25-30 ft, exterior)

Solar shower

Recliner lawn chair
Graywater jug

Misc. items useful in the camper, like spare fittings.

Printed matter: camper paperwork, books, maps
Voltage inverter
AA batts for GPS
Flashlight, headlamp
Multimeter and probes
Writing implements
Other tech items (see separate photo and tech lists)

Brim hat
Balaclava (thin, polarplus or wooly)
Polypro top
Button shirt (light or heavy)
Down jacket
Rain shell top
Rain shell pants
Gloves or millarmitts
Convertible pants
Walking shoes
Aquasox or other relaxed shoes

All dishes clean
Water tank full
Propane tank full
Truck/camper interior clean
Deep cycle battery charged

And here's the basic grublist:

Alaskan Pantry
Shelf Long Term
Chili, 2 cans
Beans, 2 cans
Refried beans, 2 cans
Salsa, 3 small cans
Tuna, 4 cans
Noodle or rice quick dinner, 4 units
Salmon, 2 Foil packets
Muesli, 1 qt
Pancake mix, canister
Coffee, 1 lb
Sugar, 1 pint (or honey)
Mixed nuts, 2 qts
Mixed dried fruit, 2 qts
Peanut butter, 1 lb jar
Swiss Miss, 1 doz packets
salt & pepper grinders
Powdered milk, 1 qt
Maple syrup, 1 qt
Vegetable or olive oil, 1 pint
Oil spray, 1 can
Beer, 12 cans
Whisky, 1 bottle
Herbal tea, box
Pasta, 1 lb
Spaghetti sauce, 1 jar
Canned & kibble dog food
Jam (cold after open)
Mustard (cold after open)
BBQ sauce (cold after open)
Salad dressing (cold after open)
Dish soap

Shelf Short Term
6 asst. apples/oranges
loaf bread
bag chips

Salad fixings
Milk, 1qt
Cheese, yellow
Cheese, parmesan
Butter, 1/4 lb
Relish or pickles
Yes! Thx for the feedback and lists.

Vic, I'd love to see that doc. I'm sure there are nuggets of info in it that I wouldn't have thought of that likely need to be on my list.

- Thomas
Kansafornia said:
Yes! Thx for the feedback and lists.

Vic, I'd love to see that doc. I'm sure there are nuggets of info in it that I wouldn't have thought of that likely need to be on my list.

- Thomas
I sent you a PM
Toilet paper and paper towels :LOL: ! Back scratcher, Spot GPS and camp rifle. Way to much "Getting Unstuck" and survival gear I have gathered over the last 60 or so years of wandering the back country.

According to Larry Kittleman a now deceased old geologist friend, yer kit needs to be stored in an old dynamite box, and must contain at least one can of Carnation condensed milk. I’m not so sure about the Carnation milk, but I’d sure like to have that wooden dynamite box.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
According to Larry Kittleman a now deceased old geologist friend, yer kit needs to be stored in an old dynamite box, and must contain at least one can of Carnation condensed milk. I’m not so sure about the Carnation milk, but I’d sure like to have that wooden dynamite box.
Cool² :cool:

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