Gee whiz... its cold in Minnesota!


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2007
Carson City, NV
we were thinking great we missed the artic vertex, but we're here for round 2 in Minnesota. we've had some pretty chilly morning standing outside photographing at -20 degrees. as a tip hot hands brand hand warmers really do work well. we see that the jet stream is going all the way down to Florida, we heard of a snowy owl that's in Florida that should make it happy. stay warm well not you guys out on the west coast
Hey pvstoy, welcome to our chilly neck of the woods. What part of our lovely state are you visiting? I hope you are still here tomorrow, it is going to warm up for a day (33°F) before we head back into the deep freeze again. We are finally so sick of the cold we booked a flight to Palm Springs for a warm up. :D
Arrived Saturday at Minneapolis. photographed trumpeter swans on the Hudson River and at Monticello. yesterday at Sax Zim bog up north. Now at Hinckley. It may be To warm tomorrow that I may not know how to dress.
takesiteasy said:
We are finally so sick of the cold we booked a flight to Palm Springs for a warm up. :D

pvstoy said:
It may be To warm tomorrow that I may not know how to dress.

I think the takesiteasy clan will feel that way as soon as they reach Palm Springs! :D
I'm sure Minnesota and the cold are a nice adventure and all. But D and I photographed Trumpeter Swans at Rancho Seco lake last weekend. Currently running low 70's.
I'm just saying...
Ted said:
I'm sure Minnesota and the cold are a nice adventure and all. But D and I photographed Trumpeter Swans at Rancho Seco lake last weekend. Currently running low 70's.
I'm just saying...
Trumpeter swans or tundra swans?
I always thought it was tundra swans that I've been photographing down on the Marysville rice fields and sloughs.

Sounds too cold for me, Patrick. How long do your batteries last before you swap them for the ones you keep warm in your pockets? :oops: Chem heat packs are definitely a solution, but I always carry extras. Once in a while there is a dud.

Welcome to warm Cali, takesiteasy! There's been golfers in shorts on the course next to my office for the last two weeks.
Way down here in North Carolina, we're getting the Minnesota leftovers, only slightly warmed up. We're leaving today for a weekend at 4,000' in the Blue Ridge, where this morning it is -6 and blowing. High today in the mid- upper teens, and low tomrrow morning expected to be 8. I'll be plugging in the diesel at the cabin tonight!

at -20 it was nice fog coming off the water in the Swans looks really nice in the fog. Andy the larger batteries last longer but you still need to take them out and put them in your pocket on breaks. photographing some nice animals at the Minnesota wildlife . Connection.
You are hitting some great spots for wildlife photography. Looking forward to seeing some posted here (hope). :)
We don't have a Hudson River that I know of, but we do have the town of Hudson on the St Croix River in Wisconsin. Maybe that is where you were?


Ted said:
I'm sure Minnesota and the cold are a nice adventure and all. But D and I photographed Trumpeter Swans at Rancho Seco lake last weekend. Currently running low 70's.
I'm just saying...
What fun is that... :) Oh the easy livin' you guys have. Sheesh.
ski3pin said:
I think the takesiteasy clan will feel that way as soon as they reach Palm Springs! :D
Ski, I hope to be deliriously confused by the weather. Might even emulate your camping wardrobe if I can find the right circumstance. :eek: :cool:
You are probably correct that the flocks of swans in the rice fields are Tundra Swans. Personally I can't tell the difference from a distance. But their calls are distinctly different. The Trumpeter's call is hard for me to describe. It sounds almost like two calls in one - a cross between a goose honk and frog croaking. That is the only way I knew these were Trumpeter.

Sorry for the hitchike Patrick. Looking forward to those photos. You and C always have such great shots.

Ted said:
Patrick. Looking forward to those photos. You and C always have such great shots.
Yes, hope you are having a great trip, don't freeze anything off, and have much success with your photography! We are looking forward to seeing more of your outstanding work! :)
Warmed up today and did not have to wear down jacket. Some light snow and overcast all day. Tomorrow back to the minus temp for the day. Last day to photograph animals at Minnesota Wildlife connection. So far we photographed grey wolf, arctic wolf, bobcat, fisher, cougar with three cubs, badger, possum, red fox, black bear, raccoon. Should have a few more tomorrow.

Takeiteasy it was the Hudson just over the border in Wisconsin that we were photographing trumpeter swans.

I am still behind on so many images to even get the time to look at them, wonder if retirement allows for time to catch up? Will be easier when we finally get a web page going to share some images!

N'kwala Please it is ok to jump in.
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