Good dog, Sadie


Weekend warrior
Jun 22, 2010
Nevada City, CA
Sadie was fourteen this fall and I knew she wouldn't be able to do many more trips.
She had already retired from backpacking, skiing and hiking. The camper was a good fit for us, since Sadie could still enjoy camp life. She was a trooper and rode in the FWC on rough roads and loved to go even when she was so stiff I had to lift her in and out of the camper.
She did one more round over Christmas, touring 250 miles through DV and charming everyone everywhere she went.

The road had come to an end for her. Finally last night she collapsed in my arms and we made her comfortable for the night. This morning I made the shittiest decision I've ever had to make and we put her down. Tears coming down while I write.

I'm sharing this because some of you were lucky to meet her. Ski3pin, MarkBC, Gene, Sunni and Homeskillet to name a few. She's off now, chasing rabbits and chasing tracks in deep powder.
Goodbye old dog! We'll miss you.

Like so many on this forum. I too am a dog lover. So sorry for your loss. Just reading and seeing the photos put a lump in my throat.
Lighthawk & SR, it breaks our hearts to hear this news but we know that pales in comparison to your loss. May she ever be chasing rabbits and tracks in powder!
Our best, Ski3pins
Andy & Susan,
My heart aches for you both. I know how hard it must be. I'm sure glad I got to know Sadie, she was one special pooch. May all of our memories of her live on. Take care.
Andy & Susan,
My heart aches for you both. I know how hard it must be. I'm sure glad I got to know Sadie, she was one special pooch. May all of our memories of her live on. Take care.

Go Sadie, go join "Babe" and all those before her, that made our lives seem so more whole and full!

Andy, Susan -
So sorry about the loss of the wonderful Sadie. I'm glad I got to meet her.
Good dog.
Thank you for the kind thoughts. It's been a long day.

It's no fun telling your kid his dog died or hearing her nails clicking, when she's not there.
A reference point in my life is gone. I was forty when I got her. She was a Christmas puppy.
Silly thing really, but the only purebred I've ever owned, or likely ever will. My son was nine! Well, too many memories to run through. She will certainly live on in my memories and many images from our wonderful, prime of life adventures. Good dog, Sadie!

I'm truly sorry for your lost. It brings tear to my eyes reading this. Sadie is a blessed dog to have you as friend and lived a good life.
Andy and Susan,

Our condolences to you both. Sadie got to experience so much more in life than most dogs by joining you on so many outings. Although it is difficult to lose her, take comfort in knowing her life was fuller by being a part of your family.

The hardest things I have done in life is taking that last drive to the vet and then staying with them while they slip away.
Gut wrenching.

Brutal, I dread the day something happen to Hailey(avatar). Take comfort in the fact you gave her a wonderful life and stay strong. ++thoughts++
We are all very sad to hear of your loss. I'm sure Sadie had a great dog life following your tracks on your many outdoor adventures.

You were loyal friends to the end, lighthawks. Much respect.

You can never replace them and I know how hard it is to think about it....but as someone involved in "rescue", i know all too well that there is another dog out there right now who needs your love.

all the best....

You know nighthawk(s), just forced myself to watch "Marley and Me " again, thought of all those dogs that meant so much to me, cried all through it. such good memories of dogs past! Thought about you guys and how deep these things are. Remember the vet saying the cancer had come back to my Babe, and how the operation that took one leg, had given her almost another year and many adventures, and we should think about the next step! He gave her a shot of antibiotics, but she was going, took her out to her favorite place at Eagle Lake, but she just laid there, and as I told you guys, how she died, really, told her to follow me to the beach, she made it there, threw the ball and she jumped in swam a few few feet after her ball, the three legs kicking away and died, pulled her back in buried her on the shore! To many vodkas while watching that movie. Hope you guys found a new pardner , I lasted 3 weeks and there was a picture on the internet, of of young border collie with his ears sticking up-BoB, and here he is Snake bit and still going strong! :p! Like I've said before, so many adventures, you guys need a good dog to share them with you, hope you got one!

Ah Smoke, you're right. We miss our dog, Sadie; everyday.
Everywhere we went in Mexico, we saw dogs, dogs, dogs.

Then a friend has added this to her email sign off:

" Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love.... they depart to
teach us about loss.A new dog never replaces an old dog; it merely
expands the heart. If you have loved
many dogs, your heart is very big." Erica Jong

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