Good Grief!


The Chair Bandit
Mar 24, 2008
Boise, Idaho
We get a couple teaser days of 60 degrees and blue, sunny skies. T shirt weather!!! Just start thinking about de-winterizing and yesterday woke up to 1" of snow and a blowing snow storm. This morning is sub freezing temps!!!! :mad:
I know how you feel. But, we are getting closer. I plan on putting the camper on at the Beginning of April and I know for where I want to go, it will be a little early. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area and I prefer going up to the Sierras. Even in early April, it will still be snow so I plan to head to Death Valley area for a few days. I used to go up the coast during this time, but its getting too crowded and the campgrounds are getting too expensive. Hang in there, it will be camping season shortly.
Ran the snowblower Wednesday and shoveled snow. An inch of graupel on the deck yesterday morning. Gotta spray the fruit trees, dig up some unwanted plants, and open up and air out the camper today. Should get up to 50 today! The backcountry skis aren't put away yet.......spring corn is coming.
Ran the snowblower Wednesday and shoveled snow. An inch of graupel on the deck yesterday morning. Gotta spray the fruit trees, dig up some unwanted plants, and open up and air out the camper today. Should get up to 50 today! The backcountry skis aren't put away yet.......spring corn is coming.

I hear you ski3pin, I rolled the camper out of the garage last weekend, but had to deal with more snow last week. I did air it out yesterday, and am planning on going about 50 miles west, where it is supposed to be near 60 all week. The fly fishing is turning on there right now. However, the temps here will start to generate some of that sping corn you speak of, so the skis are still next to the front door. I will still be out bending a knee for a few more weeks, but am anxious to do some hiking and fly fishing with the pooch on dry ground!
Eight inches of snow forecast for the Sacramentos tomorrow. We've had more than double the normal snowfall this year. It's been good for ski Cloudcroft (southernmost ski "resort" in the U.S.) but bad for my back deck. Despite my best efforts to clear snow off it, while I was at work last, snow slid off the roof and collapsed it. :( The rebuild will be designed to handle an el niño snow load!
Here in Happy Valley...'er..a..the Vail Valley most of the big storms have eluded us all winter. As a result we are almost exactly on par with the snowpack (my wife works for the Water district here) that we had in 2002 when the Hayman fire (and many others) occured. And now that the trees are all dead.... it could be a serious problem locally if we don't get a few good dumps before the summer lightning/afternoon storms start to kick into gear.

Heading To New Mexico end of the week for 5 days or so of college life. 65 degrees will feel mighty nice....though it HAS been warm here of late.

yup folks...Summer is jus' around the corner.


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