Goodby my favorite state parks-hello-KOA


Mar 15, 2008
NE Calif/NW Nev

Well Guys, seems like, despite being full of people and Indians raising hell about the closings, on the first my favorite parks are being closed (and a bunch of others)-ever notice the ones being closed are next to KOA's----who have said they will take over management- yep, something else they are taking from us in the name of a balanced budget and more $ for those with the money-I'm as you can tell upset-why did i write all those letters and give money-:mad:Here's some photo's of Westport
Landing-now that mark showed me how to do it!


On our resent trip to Eugene,Or we stayed at their state campgrounds.I have stayed many times in the past over 40 years and have always been impressed as well with the campgrounds in B C Canada.That said seeing what is happening to our parks here in Ca. it's sad.It' not just been a couple years that the parks have got down hill.You look at the neglect they have suffered and that takes years to accomplish shame on our state for this.Than to add insult the amount charged is ridicules,I don't expect to not pay a fair fee but some of out campgrounds are so rundown and not maintained it's sad.
I didn't want to get into this campground "bitch writing" but it seems I need to vent.
If I compare our camps to other state ones I have been to and that is many,I find that in a lot of cases the per night cost is way out of line for what you get,no TP in the rest rooms,no paper towels or other drying method except to wipe your hands on your pants.Just dirty and unmaintained facilities.
I don't have a solution here, there just doesn't seem to be a priority in out state to fix things.Or may be the powers to be want to have them PRIVATIZED.I am sure the KOA's would love to get their hands on all the nice camps.
I know some will say just "if you don't like our camps don't use them". I do use some more than others and actually there are some around my area that are quite nice and I return to them when needed.
Like "smoke"said we have given money and voiced opinions but that all seems to come to naught.
It's still sad to see camps like Westport have to close.
Oh well I've bitched enough and it hasn't accomplished anything.
Bitch away Frank, at least it might lower the blood pressure. Perhaps Smoke's topic title should be "Good Buy"? Look at some of the stuff California State Parks is still funding (closing these state parks instead) and you'll really get mad.
We Oregonians voted to dedicate a percentage of the lottery funds for our State Parks. It has turned out to be a great move. Our parks are in very good shape and quite popular. And the system is expanding. The best part is that it doesn't come out of tax revenue. Also, it forces the other parks to raise their standards. I use them primarily when I need shower after a llama packing trip or when we crab in the fall. I do miss them when I'm out of state.
We Oregonians voted to dedicate a percentage of the lottery funds for our State Parks. It has turned out to be a great move. Our parks are in very good shape and quite popular. And the system is expanding. The best part is that it doesn't come out of tax revenue. Also, it forces the other parks to raise their standards. I use them primarily when I need shower after a llama packing trip or when we crab in the fall. I do miss them when I'm out of state.

Thanks 4llamas for the info. My wife and I were talking about the how Oregon funds the system. I am sure your state has money problems also but has a great park system.As I said we have used the campgrounds for lots of years and have always enjoyed them. They are clean and they have showers that are included or you can use them for a small fee even when not camping there.
Hats off to you all in Or.

Ski3 thanks for letting me vent. My pressure is great but my feelings for our parks here is bad. The shame is that we had the best system hands down at one time.
Oh well may be it is about money and who can make a profit from our system,just saying IMO.
I guess all we can do is keep looking for that silver lining,wherever it may be. As for me and camping at our parks,I do have that I enjoy and frequent. One thing about the coastal cg's, I live on the coast so camping on most of our coast is way to crowded for us.I can drive 5 miles and be at a beach that has little of no people.
I'll get off me soap box for a while.I certainly won't let all this put a damper on my fun.
Keep enjoying the out of doors.
Thanks 4llamas for the info. My wife and I were talking about the how Oregon funds the system. I am sure your state has money problems also but has a great park system.As I said we have used the campgrounds for lots of years and have always enjoyed them. They are clean and they have showers that are included or you can use them for a small fee even when not camping there.
Hats off to you all in Or.

Ski3 thanks for letting me vent. My pressure is great but my feelings for our parks here is bad. The shame is that we had the best system hands down at one time.
Oh well may be it is about money and who can make a profit from our system,just saying IMO.
I guess all we can do is keep looking for that silver lining,wherever it may be. As for me and camping at our parks,I do have that I enjoy and frequent. One thing about the coastal cg's, I live on the coast so camping on most of our coast is way to crowded for us.I can drive 5 miles and be at a beach that has little of no people.
I'll get off me soap box for a while.I certainly won't let all this put a damper on my fun.
Keep enjoying the out of doors.

I agree, it seems like this thing started as almost a joke to shock us into funding the parks or at least realizing there was a problem. Several months ago, I started a thread bitching about everything from the increased costs ans decreased service and the obvious attempt by KOA and certain business interests, and politicians to turn our park dept into a money maker for those groups and not for the public interest. But I really hoped that it would not happen and someone would see the light and stop this.

You may have noticed, but I (and allot of other people) too, seem to be spending allot more time up in Oregon- their parks are funded or on federal land, even their worst c/cg are better than most Ca Parks! And it is a shame, I grew up going to places like the Sonoma and Medicino Coast Parks and before I retired took most of my vacations every fall at either (or both) Manchester or Westport-----and when I retired I was looking forward to spending allot of my time there or over here just seeing all the places I always wanted to see but never had the time.

Like many of us I paid the $24.00/day instead of the $8.00 I used to because I still was on the coast. I was reading the park net site and they where begging for "contractors" to come in a manage the parks-including Westport-so it seems no matter what we did , the pol's had decided our park's fate, not we the people. Well on the first if they do shut these parks up, then I think we really need to vent, maybe this new voting system of getting the top two vote geters in the primaries to vote for instead of a party ticket , might give us some moderate type pols instead of the present crop of extremists (on both sides-though the GOP seems to not care about anything 'cept for $, the Dem's don't have a spine anymore) we have now- and maybe we will get something done-no more bitching till the first-still more letters to write; hoping my vote may mean something this time!!! See you in Oregon!

I like to visit CA, but I could never stand to deal with living there and the ridiculous mismanagement. Such a waste of a brilliant canvas...
Yep. We've got money problems too, but fortunately recreation hasn't been hit, yet. Heaven help you if you need a Lane County cop or State Trooper. Layoffs have begun and they recently opened the Lane County jailhouse doors, literally.
Just read in the local morning paper that of the 70 slated for closure only 5 will be shut. The beach in my area the "Z" one can't ever remember how to spell it,will be closed but you can still use the beach just no trash pick up.Go figure.This beach is a 2 mile drive from hwy 1 west through the fields to a parking lot. The beach is mostly used by horse people so don't know if the parking lot is still open. Actually I haven't been there in years. There was a threat to close more of the beaches but the only way to keep people off them would to restrict parking. Some of these beaches are south of Carmel and you just park along hwy 1.
Yes Oregon is for us,at least using the ocean camps is over the Cal ones.
Oh remember those cops and teachers are the ones driving up the national debt,not the politicians and their wars and such.Enough is enough,I am not going to let any of this to keep us from enjoying the wilds. We will have to make better choices and that I can do.

Just read in the local morning paper that of the 70 slated for closure only 5 will be shut. The beach in my area the "Z" one can't ever remember how to spell it,will be closed but you can still use the beach just no trash pick up.Go figure.This beach is a 2 mile drive from hwy 1 west through the fields to a parking lot. The beach is mostly used by horse people so don't know if the parking lot is still open. Actually I haven't been there in years. There was a threat to close more of the beaches but the only way to keep people off them would to restrict parking. Some of these beaches are south of Carmel and you just park along hwy 1.
Yes Oregon is for us,at least using the ocean camps is over the Cal ones.
Oh remember those cops and teachers are the ones driving up the national debt,not the politicians and their wars and such.Enough is enough,I am not going to let any of this to keep us from enjoying the wilds. We will have to make better choices and that I can do.


Yep, just read that too, all my parks make it back from the dead so far!-but i don't think I can go through this to many more times! Sure hope they were bluffing! We Still have Oregon and Nevada and the feds as backups!


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