Grande Baja Sur Trip Report


King Taco
Sep 9, 2007
Oxnard, CA.
We scheduled some vacation during Labor Day week and decided we were Long overdue for a Baja run. We left at O-Dark-hundred on Saturday Morning, made the border by day break, got our FMT's and headed south.

That afternoon around Catavina some very nasty weather moved in and I
experienced more rain than I've ever seen in all my years of Baja travel, unfortunately it happened in a very short period of time which I knew would be trouble. The vados and arroyos started filling with water fast, we made a few interesting crossings but nothing too crazy and finally made our way through the cells.

After the rains I was pretty tired and frazzled after about 13 hours behind trhe wheel. We kept looking for a nice lonely road heading off into the desert and finally found one somewhere between Laguna Chapala and the Bay of L.A. turn off in the Valle de los Cirios. We drove about 6 miles off the highway and found a nice little spot on high ground to make camp.

After settling in for cocktail hour and dinner prep, new rain clouds developed off in the distance but I felt relatively sure their path would not cross ours...not quite. Things looked a bit sketchy at first but only some light showers fell, just enough to cool things off and bring on that wonderful smell of desert rain... so nice. We had a spectacular first night stargazing and watching lightening flashes out over the Sea of Cortez.


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The next day we headed south to a little place I've enjoyed before on the Vizcaino peninsula, here's our camp, not a soul around. Well, maybe just one...We had a not so friendly visitor just before dark, my girlfriend was putting some kindling near the fire ring and a baby rattler was warming itself on the rocks and damn near struck her. I wanted to let it wander off on his own but he wasn't budging. She was terrified and pretty adamant I "take care of it" permanently, its not my style to kill something unnecessarily, but if it comes down to my girl or my dog, I reckon the choice is easy, anyway, hope this won't turn in to a debate...


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Woke up the next day (Labor Day) to some fun little waves and the point all to myself. It was a beautiful, hot morning, with heaps of glassy little 100-150 yard peelers, 78 degree water, my girl on the beach sunning herself au Naturel, and my dog chasing me as I glide by. What could be better? A Perfect day.


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The swell was supposed to be filling in that night so we moved to the primary spot about 5 miles up the road, we had to give up solitude but the surf was worth it...


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After 4 days of great surf we packed up and headed north to visit a family I've befriended in San Hipolito and drop off some clothing and foodstuffs, here are some photos of the drive between La Bocana and Hipolito, these roads are the epitome of Baja for me...


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Next was Bahia Asunscion to visit more friends...we camped in their "front yard" the first night, there is a blow hole in the rocks below. After a dinner of fresh oysters on the half shell and margaritas we were lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves on the rocks and the hiss of the blowhole spraying below us...


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The next day we headed about 12 klicks to the north for some solitude, our friends have a little beach house built by their grandfather in an old abandoned pueblo, the fishermen keep their boats there and come early to fish and then leave at the end of the day. This place has a ghost town feel to it, no?


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After a day of swimming, sunning and fishing, our friends showed up, we had a pot luck of sorts with fresh dorado (yes, they are catching dorado on the pacific now!), venison steaks, pork loin and fresh oyters grilled over an oak fire...what a ridiculous meal!


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We pretty much left no side road unexplored, if it led to the coast we took it...


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Finally it was time to start heading home, the dreaded 2 day hell drive. Our friends have a daughter in Ensenada and they asked me if I would deliver a puppy to her, how could I say no?

This dog was given to some pangueros from a fishing troller while out fishing, if they didn't take the litter of pups who knows what might have happened, yet another story that demonstrates the kindness of the people of Baja. This is what I'd call one lucky pooch...You should have seen their daughter when she got him from us!

Well, that's about it, we really had a wonderful adventure as only Baja can provide. Thanks for hanging in there on my long diatribe. Hope you
enjoyed it.


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Great report,great pictures,perfect ending.
Sounds like you passed up a great dinner,you know it tastes like chicken!
By the way do you do any diving when you are not catching the waves?
Drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Les & Virginia Lqhikers

All I can say is WOW!!! Looks like you guys had a fantastic time. What could be better. Baja, good friends, good eats, nice weather and the gift of a new puppy. I'm envious. Thanks for sharing your journey :)

tread lightly.

Hombre del Sol!!
Now everyone will know why it's the best place on earth. Wonderful pix of a fantastic place. I love the Vizcaino. Its good to see its still deserted for the most part.

Puerto Penasco has grown 1000% since our last trip there but the fishing trip on the panga was fun and dinner was great. Chocolate clams stuffed with conche and trigger fish and BBQd sea bass. Salty will be glad to know there's one fish killer in the family.

Fish Fear Her!!!!!


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I'm not a diver but did carry snorkle gear in case we ventured to the Cortez side, it never saw the water.

Glad to hear you made it south of the border too Jay, nothin like it! Great pic, her smile says it all!
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