Great Smoky Mountain National Park

Thanks JD for sharing your adventure with us. Looks like you had a great time. GSMNP is on the Lady's list for when she retires. Also, thanks for the status report on Stew's whereabouts. He is looking mighty happy. Where you off to next?
Very nice, and thanks for sharing. It's good to see some "Wandering the West(ern edge of North Carolina) reports which I can reach in a day's drive from my Raleigh, NC home. In 59 years on the planet, I've never visited GSMNP! Always been a Blue Ridge guy. Your TR reminds me I need to get out more.

ski3pin said:
Thanks JD for sharing your adventure with us. Looks like you had a great time. GSMNP is on the Lady's list for when she retires. Also, thanks for the status report on Stew's whereabouts. He is looking mighty happy. Where you off to next?
Spring Mill State Park for the 10/24 weekend and 11/7 to another state park, which will give us 15 nights since we picked up the camper on 8/1. Then it will be time to winterize. I waited too long to book at Brown County State Park and they are booked solid the next 2 weeks. Getting to California we probably have to wait until we retire so we can take our time a go for a month.
We had a great time visiting Asheville, North Carolina a couple weeks back for the Overland Expo.

I got a few hours to drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway.

It was a first for me (visiting NC and the East Coast) and I found the area amazing !

My only disappointment was that I misses the the Fall colors by about 2 weeks.


Other than that we had a great trip.

I'm looking forward to going back again.




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longhorn1 said:
We had a great trip to Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Susan and I met up with Doug Stewart and we sat around the campfire enjoying some good North Carolina Micro Brews.

Just wanted to say that it was great fun meeting up with Susan and JD in GSMNP. After a fine, long hike that day, it was mighty fine to relax with brews, schrimp, salmon and burgers in their camp! And thanks for the trip report on your blog!

LeConte Lodge on the top of Mt LeConte, GSMNP
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