Happy 4th


Mr. Oregon Outback
Sep 12, 2010
Bend OR
Just a little bit of natures own fireworks. Love ambling down these out of the way desert roads. Looked as if I was the first this year on the Trout Creek Loop. MarkBC showed me the way on this one about 10 years ago. Glad to make it back.

Just a little bit of natures own fireworks. Love ambling down these out of the way desert roads. Looked as if I was the first this year on the Trout Creek Loop. MarkBC showed me the way on this one about 10 years ago. Glad to make it back.


Looks fine, hope to be driving over that same track soon-many people out and about in that country right now, CraggyMan ?

Smoke - We did a big loop into the Oregon Canyon - Trout Creek Mtns last week. This included a 3 day backpack into Oregon Canyon. Once we left the Whitehorse Ranch road we pretty much saw no one for about 5-6 days. Ran into a BLM range rider at one point as we traversed the roads between OC and TC. He got us straightened out as a wrong turn had sent us heading towards Nevada (not a bad thing.. :cautious: ). Trout Creek Mtns were empty and all ours. Good fishing in Trout Creek as there is an extensive network of beaver dams/pools and shaded creek habitat. Two of our group were into trying to capture the mostly native trout species.

The BLM route named Trout Creek Loop on the recreation map looked to have had no traffic on it for a really long time. I actually thought I was on the wrong road at one point when it reached a steep rocky section that appeared to have returned to "not be a road" status.

I'll try and do a trip report with a map at some point but it is beyond me at the moment both in free time and map posting skills. Maybe MBC can help me out when time allows.
Smoke - We did a big loop into the Oregon Canyon - Trout Creek Mtns last week. This included a 3 day backpack into Oregon Canyon. Once we left the Whitehorse Ranch road we pretty much saw no one for about 5-6 days. Ran into a BLM range rider at one point as we traversed the roads between OC and TC. He got us straightened out as a wrong turn had sent us heading towards Nevada (not a bad thing.. :cautious: ). Trout Creek Mtns were empty and all ours. Good fishing in Trout Creek as there is an extensive network of beaver dams/pools and shaded creek habitat. Two of our group were into trying to capture the mostly native trout species.

The BLM route named Trout Creek Loop on the recreation map looked to have had no traffic on it for a really long time. I actually thought I was on the wrong road at one point when it reached a steep rocky section that appeared to have returned to "not be a road" status.

I'll try and do a trip report with a map at some point but it is beyond me at the moment both in free time and map posting skills. Maybe MBC can help me out when time allows.

Hey, thanks, was thinking of playing out there real soon, and maybe trying my luck with some fishing. Mark helped me some last month when I posted my Jane's Res thread and I'm pretty dumb on this stuff. Just asked Mark BC, what he knew about the Santa Rosa Ranger Dist in Nevada, because I'm thinking of following White Horse Rd (after above) out to 95 (like how's the rd) never yet followed it out there, then down to Mcdermitt and into the one CG they have in the FS Santa Rosa RD! Any knowledge, feelings, warnings about that place. I've played in and around FS Nevada near Austin before, but this is new area for Me! Thanks

Mr. Creek1; you may want to consult the Winnemucca District BLM too as most of the access to the Santa Rosa Range passes through their domain before you get to the Humbolt-Toyabe part. I know the H-T does do maintenance on some of the road system, but what section and when I cannot comment on as I don't know.

When you say following the White Horse Road to 95 and how is it, if you mean the main White Horse Road that is on all the maps that passes the ranch, it's paved through the Fields area to the mouth of Trout Creek Canyon then a big/wide gravel county road clear to Hwy 95.

If you want a little off the beaten path time but not the full on Trout Creek Mtn's Transverse, there is a road that cuts south off the White Horse Road east of the ranch and meanders along the east side of the Trout Creeks till it meets up with the road going into the Oregon Canyon Ranch. From there it heads out and hits Hwy 95 north of McDermitt.

Winnemucca BLM: Phone: 775-623-1500
Thanks Lucky Dan, might just do that, it's all new country to me, only been to the Trout Creek area once (and that was with MarkBC) and never been into the mtns south into Nevada or east of the trout creeks before- always been a unknown hole there , so it might be time to go some new adventures!

Due to the mild winter and low snow-pack it seems that most roads are in pretty good shape. The Whitehorse Ranch Road is high quality gravel and seems to be recently graded. The main access road to the Trout Creek Mtns is in reasonable shape, but looks like some-sort of grader went through and churned up all the sharp rocks so be wary. Cows were moving in as we were leaving so a lot of the wet spots will be hammered.

The road into the OR Canyon Mtns via Mud Springs was alright but would not want to be on the lower part in any sort of wet weather as looks to be gumbo potential. From Mud Springs to rim of OR Cyn there is some minor technical rock crawling and deep ruts but maybe can be avoided by a spur which I seemed to have missed... :cautious: . Evidently the other people following me were not entertained by this section but they all were pretty much rookies and do not appreciate the nuances of a good 4WD track. :rolleyes:

The road that parallel the Or Cyn rim is spectacular and I would rate it as one of my faves for "roads in unlikely places" with dizzying views in all directions. The section that drops down to HWY95 on the north by the Or Cyn Ranch is reportedly in pretty bad shape and very rocky.

I'm not an expert so buyer beware....

Here is a view of the road paralleling OR Cyn with a view SW looking over Cottonwood Creek canyon.


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