
Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
We planted a few tomatoes and beans this year, and it’s starting to reward us...


There’s a bumper crop of blue berries as well...



The 4th of July Firecracker rose is also blooming again...


The zucchini are too big to frame :p
Wandering Sagebrush said:
We planted a few tomatoes and beans this year, and it’s starting to reward us...

There’s a bumper crop of blue berries as well...

The zucchini are too big to frame :p
One of the very few things I miss about Western Oregon is the gardening opportunities, especially berry cropping.

Funny thing about zucchini, no one ever says “I should have planted more zucchini”. My little Russian Grandmother’s rule was if you plant 1 zucchini you need to plant 3. 3 was always 1 or 2 too many.

Nice haul, thanks for sharing.
We're about two weeks behind you at 3350' in NorCal, but have been eating salad greens from the garden with big handfuls of basil every day. Fresh basil goes well with sourdough pizza and porcini mushrooms!

I started everything from seed this year in our laundry room and later garden shed with led lights and heat pads. Cukes, tomatatillos, egg plant are coming along. Beans are 3" long and started flowering last week. I've got 70 tomato plants just beginning to ripen. We like to dry ours to use as sundried toms for the rest of the year.

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