Have You Ever Needed to Push the SOS Button?


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
Here's a very honest presentation of a woman running into health issues and making the decision to push the button, and then how it plays out after pushing the SOS.

Interesting timing since I just renewed my airmedcare. I've never come close yet to pushing the button but her situation is a good one for discussion. I've also assumed I'd know I needed to push it and sadly in this case I probably wouldn't have pushed the button. Us old guys always think we can just tough it out.

Its also good to see just how long it took even after getting a helicopter dispatched. I'm sure a lot of people think you push the button and boom, help arrives. If it had been a ground rescue it would been all the more important to push that button early.
I've been involved in two helicopter rescues in the remote mountains. One was pre-cell phone, and that one took 9 hours from when I first stumbled on the injured party until he was flown out. The first helicopter couldn't lower down to him, so they sent for an army helicopter with well-trained people. He was unconscious for about a week, so injured pretty badly.

The other was my first use of a cell phone. I didn't even know which buttons to push, but somehow got through to 911 and our injured party member (broken leg) was rescued a few hours later. He's still climbing mountains like crazy.

So yes, it takes time, and knowing first aid can be vital. Our county which is rich in trails and mountains and a large population has a very active search and rescue group with a dedicated helicopter. But many others don't have a well trained team and equipment.

Last November I pushed our InReach SOS button after we found a deceased person (the ski3pins were on that trip). That process worked very well -- they really took care of us. The authorities showed up within about 2 hours via ground. It really helps to pair a cell phone to your InReach device as there was quite a bit of back and forth "texting".
Very interesting. I've been close to pushing the button when we couldn't find my girlfriend when we all (3 of us) separated to do our own thing during the day. We had discussed where we were going, etc. and we couldn't find her and the dog. I hiked many miles yelling for the dog thinking the dog would hear me before she would and if she was in trouble the dog would come.... we were within 15 minutes of pushing the button when they appeared....

On a separate note, I recently had to call 911. I was reluctant to call (as the women in the video was to push the button). I never thought I'd call 911 but I did after calling my girlfriend and telling her what was going on and she immediately told me to call. I thought I could wait for her to come get me and take me to the hospital but 911 was the best / better option.

I'm glad this woman's ordeal had a happy ending. I guess you never know when or where or what will happen so be prepared and as difficult as it is to ask for help, do it. I think when we're younger ,we never think we'll need help but there are cases/circumstances that we most certainly do.
Interesting....from my local SAR experience, most folks are not lost......until it gets DARK !

David Graves
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