Hawk on a Tundra


Advanced Member
Mar 27, 2008
I just weighed my truck...again...and unloaded and dry I'm at my 2006 Tundra DC's GVWR of 6600 lbs. What this means is that...besides obsessing about a new 1 Ton truck...whick I don't want to spend $50k (at least) on...when I am fully loaded I am running 600 - 800 lbs over the GVWR of my truck. Now...I see pictures on this and many other sites of my truck with MUCH heavier campers, including many hard sided ones, Northstars, and others. There is no way any of these rigs are even close to the weight rating when loaded. So...does this mean that Toyota is really conservative with it's weight ratings, or do many others, including me, just risk really potentially overloading their trucks and hope for the best?

My truck does handle the weight fairly well, but I have "E" rated tires, a sway bar, Bilstein 5100's and airbags...so this helps alot.

Any and all input, especially from others with similar rigs, is much appreciated. How have your trucks held up over time with this weight? Have you ever felt unsafe while running many hundreds of pounds above the GVWR?

Many folks run over GVWR out there but you are personally responsible for it. Manufacturers are going to design their systems to perform at GVWR for their various acceptable criteria which should be longer term performance. So in the short term that doesn't mean going over it is going to instantly break your truck in half. You're going to be working your springs, axles, frame, transmission, and esp. brakes harder.

Biggest issue tends to be reduced breaking ability. There is the possibility in this society that if running over you're GVWR and get into an accident in which you wouldn't normally be at fault (like someone pulling out in front of you or such) that a savvy lawyer could make a case against you for being negligent.

That said my combo is likely on the boardline when loaded up. It's what I got and I'm comfortable with it (but wouldn't turn down a 3/4T in the same vintage and milage (I've only got 48k on mine) that doesn't cost an arm/leg).
Yep, most half tons are going to be overloaded with a camper. IMHO I think the most important number though is the RAWR. I believe your Tundra is 4100 but check your door sticker to be sure. Then find a scale and check each axle separately with the door sticker.
I was thinking about this the other day, and I decided the GVWR is a general weight. It will not matter much if it is 200lbs under or over.

Go 1,000lbs over and then you have a major problem.
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