Terrapin said:
Well drat! My 2013 Hawk is also wired with 12ga not the 10 I thought. I'm sure to loose a certain percentage of energy by letting it choke the incoming amperage but I'm still moving forward with new controller and panel upgrades.
The voltage drop in the factory solar wiring is something many wring their hands over for no reason. For the two types of controllers, here is why:
Using an MPPT controller and panels wired in series, the higher voltage is impacted less by the wire size. Plus, the high "voltage/lower amps" are converted to your "lower charging voltage/higher amps". The loss from the voltage drop and from the conversion are both too little loss to worry about.
For a PWM controller, like the Bogart 2030, it is converting voltage that is inbound from the panels down to whatever you have your parameters set. PWM controllers do not convert amperage when they cut down the voltage. So when people worry about their panel sending 17v or 18v and then 15v or 16v reaches their controller, that voltage drop doesn't matter at all since your controller is cutting that voltage down to 14.# voltage anyway (whatever you have it set to). So as long as the voltage that makes it to the controller is more than your highest charging voltage parameter, there is absolutely no reason to fret about voltage drop. It doesn't matter. No matter what voltage gets to your controller, if you are getting 6 amps, for example, a PWM controller will drop the voltage to your charging voltage parameter and keep the same amperage (in this example, 6 amps) and push that to your battery.
Short version: Unless your wiring is causing the voltage, measured at the inbound wiring to your controller, to drop lower than your PWM Controllers highest charging voltage parameter, your wire size is fine.
Regarding the question about if a certain wattage is enough, it's different for everyone (amp usage, lat/long, panel orientation, weather, etc.) so no way anyone can answer that for another person. One needs to add up your average amp usage (easy with a Trimetric monitor), then calculate the apppropriate panel size for you geographical location. For that, I used the one gov website that most use and it seems accurate (you can set for your city, losses, efficiency, panel tilt and orientation, etc.) and it shows the amps you can expect for each month of the year for your location based on history (so cloud cover, for example, is taken into consideration). For example, Swouthwest Montana, with the panels flat, my 180w panel is predicted to create about 88amps on an average July day. It drops to around 20 amps on a November day (due to shorter day and lower sun angle). Then you can play with the numbers like increasing panel tilt to 40degrees and see the November number jump up quite a bit. Good stuff.
So worry more about those calculation than the wire size. As long as the voltage drop allows your voltage to remain higher than your highest charge voltage, you are good to go and it's a waste of effort and money to change out wiring.