Hawkins Peak and nearby


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Had a three day weekend though needing to get blood work done made for a late Friday start. Made it up to the free camp (really need a name for that place).

I brought the Jeep since soon enough the travel restrictions will go into effect and I wanted to verify all the work I've done (retorque the head, adjust the valves, new master cylinder, fixed the gas fume problem) were successful. We headed up to Scott's Lake in the afternoon, took a wrong turn and nearly got stuck in a deep water hole.

So, I broke out the inreach and fired up Earthmate on the phone to see where I was. Oops. Its a fairly new phone, Kyocera Duraforce Pro (waterproof, shockproof, dustproof) and I installed all the apps including Earthmate. Only I forgot to download the maps. Well thanks to verizon using the Hawkins Peak tower I had 4g coverage and downloaded maps for the next part of the trip.

Next day we headed up to Hawkins Peak. Having the Inreach Earthmate working together really helped (last time up here I never found the right road).

Its a good road but I'd hate to be the guy that has to deliver propane on it.

One impressive solar array they have. 240 panels, well here's the rest of the story.

May not be quite as impressive as they make it sound. I'm thinking the supplies were probably trucked up to a landing near the solar panels and helicoptered from that point.
I'm going to give myself a gimme on the peak. The last little scramble was just a little too imposing for me and Riley. Nice view of course. In this pic if you look hard you can see two helicopters flying low through the valley below.

Not too windy.

After dinner me and Riley were out for final walk before turning in for the evening when two guys and their dog came down the road from Scott's Lake. They stuck their truck on the same road where I'd made the wrong turn the other day. Local's from Tahoe just out for a drive. Amazing how the drive always seems so much longer at night but it was relatively easy to pull them out with the Jeep. They were appropriately appreciative.

This morning I was wondering where to have breakfast. Sorenson's? Hope Valley Cafe? Hard to park when towing though. Kirkwood Inn is much easier parking. Now if I'd known I'd find a sign on the door at the Kirkwood Inn, close Oct, 14 through Nov. 20th I'd have left the Jeep behind and hit up the Cafe.

Instead I breakfasted at the Sportsman's Hall. Amazingly the first time I've even been there. Not sure how that happened. Good food, slow service.

One tired pup watching football now!
Oh, before heading up to the Peak we did make it up to the Lake. Kind of shocking to see how the water level was. Nice weather and we had hikers, bikers, and UTV's on the road. A guy with his little kids camped at the lake. They were going to climb Waterhouse peak. Kids that age I'm doubting they got more than a hundred yards :)

The campground had about half a dozen rigs. Lightest use I've ever seen there. Cold at night. 17 degrees the first night, a pleasant 21 degrees the next night. My furnace didn't work until sun hit the solar panels. Looks like I'll be installing the new parts soon. Glad I still had the Wave 3.

I was comfy in my new winter bag. My old bags were bought the same time I got my camper and both had broken zippers and I can't complain about 14 years of use. Time to upgrade.
Craig, nice trip! First trip, drive, in the mountains we took Julie's Mom on - back in the eighties - was to the top of Hawkins. She never went on another drive in the mountains with us. Yup, lots of work up at the repeater site. Our other friend, Ted, skis Hawkins at least once a year starting from Pickets. Will your Ram make it up the road to Crater Lake between Red Lake Peak and Stevens Peak? We've driven up the road, narrow but not too bad. There are a couple of small camp spots.

Good to see you and Riley out! :)
If thats the road I'm thinking of it would be too tight towing the Jeep. Last time I tried it was still too much snow up top.

Any video of the ski trip?
Craig, sorry to be unclear. You don't want to tow your jeep on the road to Crater Lake. I mentioned it only as a possible spot to camp with your truck only.
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