Help to ID a camper


Aug 22, 2019
Hi, I'm hoping somebody can decipher the info on a camper tag. Is there a source for production dates/ units produced in any given year?
Thanks, Phil
Alaskan tags.jpg
Alaskan tag.jpg
I understand that Sunland. Ca. was the original company location, and that 1958 was the first year of production for sale (I've read that the initial home build was in 1953). If this was built during the first year of production, I'm curious how many were built that year, and where this one falls into the order.
Not sure what info you want deciphered.

If you search that patent number at the USPTO website you'll find a patent for a "telescoping cabin for trucks" invented by Robert Donald Hall and the patent was issued March 24, 1959.
I'm curious if anyone knows of records regarding production numbers per year on these campers. It would be neat to know where in production this serial number falls, if in fact there is any corollation there. Also, am I correct in thinking this camper was built in 1958, as the tag implies?
You are correct....this is a tag dated 1958. It also has the first version of the mfger tag with only ONE patent on it. I don't know of any way to find out the number of them produced during1958 unless you can find a sticker anywhere inside that lists the serial number and weight information as the later Alaskans do.

Can you post some pics? We love pics, especially of the early Alaskans!
Late to this thread....but with a question.

Were Alaskans ever marketed as a SIESTA camper or was there an Alaskan model named Siesta ?


David Graves
Here are a couple pics:
Outside front.jpg
Outside rear.jpg
And one of the tag inside the ice box for you trivia buffs:
Icebox tag.jpg
The only broken glass was in the upper door, the metal skin is undamaged (no holes, tears, or dents). As it goes with a lot of these older units, there are some water stains around the roof vent, and some wood that needs repair.
Hi Phil:

None of the tags you posted photos of show any Alaskan camper serial number. The topmost plaque in your first photo suggests a prior owner of your camper was a member of the Portable Camp Coach Association, likely a long defunct camper club that had no association with the R.D. Hall Mfg. Co. that built your Alaskan camper.

The lower tag in your top photo merely certifies that your Alaskan camper complied with all California laws and regulations applicable it to when built. No Alaskan serial number is shown on the Calif. compliance tag.

Your second photo shows a plate that gives notice certain features of your Alaskan camper were protected by U.S. Patent Number 2,879,103. No Alaskan serial number appears on that U.S. Patent plate.

Does the large emblem above your rear door read "Alaskan" or "Alcan"?

Open your lower door and look closely for any numbers stamped in the alumium threshold. If you find any numbers there they might be your Alaskan serial number. If no numbers appear there, look on the vertical surface of the angle iron across the bottom rear of your Alaskan for stamped numbers there. If present, they might be your Alaskan serial number.

I don't believe anyone to date has found annual production figures for Alaskan campers. In the Sixties and Seventies, Alaskan campers were built in 5 or 6 different plants around the U.S.A. that likely used different blocks of serial numbers. Surviving Alaskan campers are too few in number to gather and analyze a small batch of serial numbers to estimate annual production.

See if you can find your Alaskan serial number stamped into your camper somewhere. Good luck!
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