Hey, what's your handle?

Mine is a bit long.But I like it.
It's Spanish for our house/street name (Scarlet Oak House). So it felt right to have the "handle" , "House of the Scarlet Oak Also" "Casa Escarlata Robles Too",be that also.Plus our truck Ford and Tundra carrying the Bobcat are both "red"
It's very interesting to see some of the other "handles"
The sign I made for our house.

After my divorce 11 years ago, my ex-wife used to tell me "You just want to be the Groovy Dad." She was referring to the fact that I was always doing fun stuff with the kids and didn't seem to care about the not so fun stuff. Rather than get angry at her comments, I embraced the name and GroovyDad was born.
Every time I would get out of my truck my Rottweiler would immediately move to the drivers seat and stare out the windshield as if she were driving. The guys at the barbershop got a laugh out of it and I became rotti on the haircut list.
rotti said:
Every time I would get out of my truck my Rottweiler would immediately move to the drivers seat and stare out the windshield as if she were driving. The guys at the barbershop got a laugh out of it and I became rotti on the haircut list.
Ha, my golden retriever does that too. Jumps back where he belongs as soon as he sees me coming back.
As I can again connect to the virtual word, I'll share....

Mine is both a comment to a life I've tried to lead, a tribute of sorts to someone I think did and stolen from a guy who arguably did. My grandfather, the original Dan, worked hard to fund his real profession, screwing off. My first memories of him are either taking me or taking off with his cronies rock hounding, fishing, mushroom/fruit picking, hunting etc. He did so about every week with rare exception. Pretty lucky. Given my Grandfathers interests, we watched a lot of the Jim Conway Outdoor Show. Jim was known as "Lucky Jim" for his ability to turn outdoor pursuits into a profession.

Long winded, I know. I'm a complicated guy :)

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OK, I'll bite. "z" is the symbol for "redshift" My area of research is active galaxies and quasars, some of which have high cosmological redshifts, hence high z. I've used the highz handle for a long time in astronomy-related settings, so, it doesn't have to do with camping. I suppose "z" could stand for altitude (z axis in a cartesian coord system), so let's let it also stand for "high altitude". I like to camp in mountains, so that'll work.
I've been using internet mail lists, discussion groups and forums for many decades, starting with usenet back in the late 80's. Used to be you would just use your email address and a good long signature to tell way too much about yourself. Then, all these forums came around and you needed a handle. That was always the hard part, coming up with a unique cute handle. After trying a few different variations of my name on a few different forums, I exclaimed "What The F...!". Hmm, maybe I had something there. Contracted it to W'uck, then left the apostrophe out, and Wuck was born. It hasn't been turned down by any forum yet :)
Just resurrecting this thread to see if we have any new people who’d like to share the handle they identify with! This is supposed to be for fun
All of my cousins drove 1-ton trucks OffRoad and elsewhere so when I bought my 1/2-ton Dodge I took quite a bit of ribbing. Funny thing...I was always pulling them out or getting a bit further with my truck. After about the 5th save at Pismo they started calling for the “Mighty Dodge Ram” to come and help. The name stuck, but now that I drive a Chevy I’m questioning the wisdom of using a handle that is vehicle specific.

New posts - WTW

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