Hot Weather


Weekend warrior
Jun 22, 2010
Nevada City, CA
This comes from a friend,

"Weather forecast for Death Valley calls for 135 degrees f this week. Which will be the hottest temperature ever recorded anywhere on Earth."

Stay cool, friends.
i get a kick out of weather reports on "record temps"
i live in the desert and my yard temps are never within 5 degrees of
reported official temps most temps are taken at city locations which might be
a weather station at the airport,city dept., etc possibly measured in a paved
lot,roof top not a natural spot.
also air temp out of the sun will be different from sun locations.
the paper yesterday (local) Palm Springs said it would maybe reach reached 108 in my yard!
at least it is "dry Heat"ha,ha.

Yeah, I refer to them as weather idiots myself. But whether it is the predicted 112 outside or just 108, it is stinking hot! We'll be making a break for a cooler destination soon. Meanwhile loading the camper in reported 110+ temps is going to suck.
What ever guys, all I know is that the weather has been real messed up of late; like my latest prop[osed trip up north, & leaving sv in thunder all the way up to ML & getting first heat, then getting almost snow, with hail, high winds, rain and thunder up a Medicine Lake that left me alone in the cg (which is fine) and inside my FWC (but "Bob" got tired of me after three days), then backhome to a :oops: super above ave. temp with a wind that doesn't belong here in Susanville. Yep they may hipe the weather, but this ain't natural anymore :oops: and it's messing up my wandering and adventuring in my FWC ------but there in not much I can do about it is there? Soooo :) time to get ready and start planning :cautious: for my next one-climate change or not, a trip to Austin maybe where it's 105 with fire weather and other things, maybe that's better than sitting here in the proposed 104 for Susanville-or is it?. Hopefully, I'll post a short TR from my last weather shortened trip up to Medicine Lake and then points north, soon, even if it's all rain and wind! Just hope people remember that heat can kill especially that dog that's left in the truck w/o water for to long or made to run along side your bike when it is 104 in the shade-remember he can't take that fur coat off! Time to let "Bob" play in the sprinkler :D!

Smoke :eek:
Since somebody named me "The Weatherman" here...I'll provide this link to the Death Valley National Park Morning Report.
(it should link to a PDF, but it's not working in Chrome -- for me... works in Internet Explorer, though)
So, tomorrow morning we can see how hot it actually got at Furnace Creek today. It hit 129° there yesterday, according to today's Morning Report.

On a related DV-heat subject, check out this link from the DVNP website:

World Record Heat 100th Anniversary
On July 10, 1913 the World's hottest air temperature of 134 degrees F was recorded in Death Valley. Join us to commemorate the 100th anniversary.

If I didn't live 750 miles away, I'd be there...sounds like a hot time.
If I could I would send all you guys some of our nice temps and FOG,but the USPS doesn't except that kind of package.
Just stay cool and watch the temps.
What about the 19 fire fighters who lost their loves in Az.Feel sorry for the family and town.
MarkBC said:
Since somebody named me "The Weatherman" here...I'll provide this link to the Death Valley National Park Morning Report.
(it should link to a PDF, but it's not working in Chrome -- for me... works in Internet Explorer, though)
So, tomorrow morning we can see how hot it actually got at Furnace Creek today. It hit 129° there yesterday, according to today's Morning Report.

On a related DV-heat subject, check out this link from the DVNP website:

World Record Heat 100th Anniversary
On July 10, 1913 the World's hottest air temperature of 134 degrees F was recorded in Death Valley. Join us to commemorate the 100th anniversary.

If I didn't live 750 miles away, I'd be there...sounds like a hot time.

So, tomorrow morning we can see how hot it actually got at Furnace Creek today. It hit 129° there yesterday, according to today's Morning Report.

We are five hours away from DV, so we decided to go to Lone Pine on Sat. "Field researched" a new-to-us Jeep trail north west of Independence in the morning and headed to DV after that, arriving at Furnace Creek at 2:30 pm. The digital thermometer vascilated back and forth between 130 and 131 degrees during our one hour stay. This however is not the official thermometer. More people than I expected were there for photo ops, including a guy dressed in a Darth Vader costume. There is/was a picture in today's online version of the LA Times of a fellow frying an egg in a skillet at Bad Water. It was a brief but fun getaway and, as someone stated above, it was stinkin hot!
If I could I would send all you guys some of our nice temps and FOG,but the USPS doesn't except that kind of package.
I propose a pop-up camper rally at Frank's house for the 4th. See you all there.
Come on down,I am sure we can fit a few trucks on the street or the mountainside of a driveway I have.
The Marine layer as they like to refer to it,me I just call it fog sure is nice.Mild temps so far this heat wave.We have had a nice afternoon breeze so even in the sun it has felt comfortable.
Have a good fourth.

ps "We will keep the light on"
The NWS weather station at the airport in Redmond, Oregon (14 miles north of Bend) set record highs for the date yesterday and the day before, 102° and 99° respectively.
No, not hot compared to some places -- a lot of places, but I'm still glad the heat wave has peaked... I don't have use for any temps above 80°. :rolleyes:
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