How are you carrying your oversized spare with your FWC?

The manufacturer (of your Soft Locker for example) states (check their literature or website) the limiting factor is not the differential, but the rest of the driveline (btw, the tire will give before any "hard" parts).

Absolutely, my point in posting, put the spare on the open diff (reason I said an open diff won't matter...because I don't recall anyone else stating that).

BTW, I've run clutch-based (Chrysler and Ford products) and gear based limited slips (Tractech/Detroit/Eaton), both with and without power to them (i.e., remove the rear driveshaft and drive with the t-case locked and a limited slip in the front when you have to....interesting to drive but no harm to the vehicle). I have experience running exactly what the OP is asking (a smaller spare). Run it until you can get a tire patched, plugged or replaced. You won't hurt your differential. We can talk about what we heard or read, but my experience is that you are going to hurt the weakest link first, which is tire scuffing, and your tires will continue to scuff as long as you drive it on pavement (not the differential). Also, if you're in the dirt, the dirt will give before your tire, so you don't even have to worry about tire wear until you reach pavement. Another thing to consider, if the limited slip or locker is engaged, something else will give and it'll be the weakest link...tire scuffing if on pavement, dirt if on dirt.

Also, I haven't run across manufacturer literature that references tire size differences and how important that is. Post up a link if you have it.
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