How Coyotes Learn In Death Valley

Sad story but humans just can't pass up a chance to "help" a wild animal
by feeding them. Not only does it create them to look to humans for food
but the food they are given in most cases isn't good for them.

It's just a bad disservice to continue this practice.
I encountered begging coyotes moving in front of vehicles in the 90's by Scotty's Castle, so they've been doing that for awhile.
Years ago there was a group of 3 coyotes that frequented the west side (east of Panamint Springs) of Panamint Valley along highway 190 that would seduce turons to stop and feed them. We always needed to watch out for both the coyotes and turons.
A possible misspelling. Maybe it is spelled touron, a combination of tourist and moron. I believe Wandering Sagebrush brought the term and usage to our attention is a post awhile back.
ski3pin said:
A possible misspelling. Maybe it is spelled touron, a combination of tourist and moron. I believe Wandering Sagebrush brought the term and usage to our attention is a post awhile back.
Yes, it is touron. Having a PhD in Profanity, I know a few choice adjectives that could be used to enhance that noun… but suppose it is best reserved for in camp conversation.
Gaper: a touron who is immobilized by something in nature and sits/stands/wanders with mouth open and all sense of situational awareness gone
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