How do you value your Alaskan?


Aug 24, 2012
I post a link to a 68 Ford/Alaskan ad a few weeks ago, that user Rusty pointed out is asking way too much coin. The owner seems to think too so as he's since dropped the price to $11k. But, given this clean vintage and original non-Alaskan combo hovering just under 7k, he's still asking too much for that old girl.

This brought up a bigger question for me though: how do you insure your older Alaskan camper? There are plenty of threads on WTW about camper insurance: get it covered under your auto when it's on the truck, and homeowners will cover it when it's off. But these campers have been around since the late 50's, and while they don't get the attention that vintage Airstreams and Scotty's get, I'm sure well cared for or restored Alaskans must have some value that's worth protecting in this unpredictable world.

Let's hear your stories and advice on insuring older Alaskans. Has anyone had bad or good experiences with claims? Anyone have their camper become be a total loss due to a hail storm, a fallen tree, or road related incident ... only to have it under valued by an agent? Are there any lessons that can be shared?
Even the nicer ...yet "graciously aged" Alaskans are going for 2-4K...with the 4K being on the VERY HIGH end (and you can find them for a couple hundred if you wait long enough). The newer models are priced accordingly...materials have gone back to much better quality and a much larger selection of options...including full electronics and solar...but I digress.....

When I had mine first insured...a younger agent valued it at $600. When I pointed out that the hydraulics alone were worth more than that...he said "Hydraulics??"

It's really a matter of educating the agent or office on the value of replacement...and that's the only way I'd go...
I've got mine covered for 12K...full replacement...if they could find one ;) On the open market I'd probably get....oh..about 50K :D :rolleyes:...mines been in the family since it was new in that makes it worth more...see what I mean.

Taking a new brochure with prices sometimes changes their attitude a bit.

As far as the 78 goes....maybe 2.5-3K for the truck if it's perfect...and depending on the ACTUAL condition of the Alaskan ....maybe 2 or 3....if it's perfect too.

People value things the way they see them...not according to market value...It's what the market will bear....for just about anything these days...and there's a glut of just about everything on the market.
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