How many lug nuts do you need?

Tomas Tierra

May 3, 2007
Hollywood Beach, Alta California
I mean really.... 2010-01-14 082b.jpgdo you need this many??2010-01-14 082c.jpg
Obviously he hasn't sprayed any anti-lug nut fairy on his rims. The same thing happened to a friend of mine and it was very expensive to repair. I use Lugnut Fairy BeGone. So far it has worked really well as I've not been visited by the lug nut fairy.
It just so happens that I'm the exclusive west coast distributor. For only $29.99 plus S&H I will send you a bottle. Don't be confused by the Windex label, That's just to fool the little rascals. And remember to ask for the special WTW discount (membership has it's privileges). Our operators are standing by.


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