How To Post Photos?

Will someome please explain how to take pics off of my computer and put them in a post on here?(Please use the kiss method).Thanks

First you need to decide whether to upload a photo as an attachment, or add it to the gallery and then embed the gallery image in a post. Here is a discussion about the two methods:

However, to summarize posting a photo as an attachment is easier. The thing you need to know is that you can't attach anything bigger in file size than 500k, so if you have photos larger than that you need to reduce their size on your end with a photo editor or using an upload service specializing in resizing very large photos.

If you want to attach a photo, and you have one that is less than 500k, under the text field for a post where it says "attachments", click "choose file", select the photo from your computer, then click "attach this file".
Thanks DD for explaining this to a non computer person.I already printed off the topic you sent but didn't understand the 500 k thing,will resize and try again.
Thanks DD for explaining this to a non computer person.I already printed off the topic you sent but didn't understand the 500 k thing,will resize and try again.

There is a free downloadable program called irfanview you can get it here:

you can use that program to resize pictures and its pretty simple. Open the program, drag the picture you want to resize onto it, click save as and then a little jpeg save option box comes up with a slider that says quality. Slide it to the left to decrease quality which will decrese file size. Then click save.

It's simple and free, I use it all the time.

I had problems to this exact problem. I "Googled" " how to reduce picture file size" and found this: EXCELLENT article. It gives 3 sites that a person can use which are:
I used and its very easy to use. Select the pic from your computer and click "Continue to Edit". Use the default 50% Smaller Size setting then scroll to the bottom. When you get there, choose what kind of output you want, I prefer JPEG. The two key things now are to select Quality of "Good" and "Max Filesize". I use 499 so that it can be posted here. From there, click "I'm Done" then in the lower left select Save to Disk. Pretty straight forward. Hope this helps!

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