How tough is it to get to the FWC electronics?

steve whiteside

Senior Member
May 27, 2020
San Diego CA
Hey Everyone,

I bought a couple Lion energy batteries at Costco. In the short run I want to swap out my two AGM batteries that came with my 2020 Grandby. Within a few months I want to add solar panels.

WRT swapping out my batteries... I must have some BMS that came with my camper that needs to be changed out. Where is it and is it tough to get access? Does that BMS also contain a built in DC-DC charger that I must have?

Thanks, Steve

The BMS is normally internal to your battery and is not part of the camper. You would have a battery isolator between the truck and the camper, and possibly a solar controller and a 110v charger. A DC-DC charger would allow you to have better control over the charging, you would want to increase the size of the wires between the truck battery and the DC-DC charger. If you have a solar controller or a 110v charger you would need to see if they have a charge profile for the new batteries.

Try doing a search, Vic and Rando have done quite a bit of posting on power systems.

steve whiteside
06 Feb 2021
I just got back from mammoth Mtn here in CA where I camped in a blizzard for 3 days and then an additional 4 days of cold. Overnight I was seeing outside temps down to 5-10F and one night at -1F. I run a Goal zero Li battery pack which is exposed to the outer wall of my 2020 Grandby. I wrapped it in a sleeping bag and left the inside heater on low. The heater would kick on at ~37F and kick off at ~57F.propane. A single tank of propane lasted 6 days using the heater and occasional stove use. I took your advice and drained the water system. I used external jugs for water and had to manage keeping the ones in my truck back seat un frozen. All in all it worked out well. Ended up with 2-3ft of snow on the ground. I was prepared to rake the snow off of my roof however the high winds kept the snow from accumulating.


You stated that you have Goal Zero Lion batteries. But now you have AGM? And want to change to Costco Lion? I didn’t know they sell Lion batteries. Can you clearify?
Ha! Yes you caught me! :). Im shifting away from the goal zero in my camper. If I take out the two AGM batteries that are stock and replace them with Lithium I will gain the room/weight I currently have for the Goal zero. Im happy enough with the goal zero but I would rather have the room.

I will either sell the Goal zero or keep it to use as a portable power source.

Costco sells the Lion energy products through the traveling road show. Im pretty sure you can find their schedule on the Costco site. Anyway, this week they were in Poway Ca and I happened to be there to notice. They were selling like hotcakes. 1300whr for $690. I bought two.

As I look at my cabinet that holds the sink/heater Im wondering how to get at the electronics from the back side. Does the top easily come off or the front??

I use more electricity than most people on this site. Where I want to get to is DC charging from the truck, Li batteries in the camper, 400 watts of solar on the roof and both a 400w inverter and a 1500w inverter that are switchable.

If I was starting from scratch I think it would be easy with all of the forum posts and resources like your selves. My issue is Im not sure what I have got with the FWC. Where is it, what does it do and should it fully stay or partial stay.

Anyway, I will muddle through. The good news is Rando confirmed that I can start immediately enjoying the Lion Li batteries. Just swap them out and start using them.

steve whiteside said:
I use more electricity than most people on this site. Where I want to get to is DC charging from the truck, Li batteries in the camper, 400 watts of solar on the roof and both a 400w inverter and a 1500w inverter that are switchable.

If I was starting from scratch I think it would be easy with all of the forum posts and resources like your selves. My issue is Im not sure what I have got with the FWC. Where is it, what does it do and should it fully stay or partial stay.

Anyway, I will muddle through. The good news is Rando confirmed that I can start immediately enjoying the Lion Li batteries. Just swap them out and start using them.

steve, I have 200AH of Lithium batteries and run a 3000W inverter to power our 1800W induction cooktop. Let me know if you need specific help, or want me to write up something for my "setting up a power system" thread.... I've been otherwise occupied lately and have neglected that thread!
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