

New Member
May 1, 2009
I have been lurking out here for awhile just thought I would introduce my self and say thanks for all the great tips.
We have a 09 hawk 0n a 05 ford f 150 4x4 best thing I ever bought. I retired 7/1/10 I adjusted quick to not showing up at work. When I figure out how to load pics I will share some of the places we have been.
Roger D
I have been lurking out here for awhile just thought I would introduce my self and say thanks for all the great tips.
We have a 09 hawk 0n a 05 ford f 150 4x4 best thing I ever bought. I retired 7/1/10 I adjusted quick to not showing up at work. When I figure out how to load pics I will share some of the places we have been.
Roger D

You can either load them in here or get a free account at a place like and load them up there and just copy/paste the link. Either way you'll usually want to resize the photo to a manageable size for better display purposes and quicker upload speeds (most cameras these days take pretty large megapixle pictures on their stock settings and when viewed "fullsize" only a portion of them is shown in the monitor).

I had trouble figuring out the upload situation too. There's a link here for that info
The basics: 900 pixel on the long side is max image size, then upload them to your gallery (actually you can have multiple gallerie(s). Once they are there, you can open two browser windows with one showing your photos, the other will be where you are writing your comments. Open the photo and your will see a BBC code below the pic. Copy & paste that into your other window where you are writing your story. You can preview your post (scroll to bottom of page) to verify the images are coming through. Sounds complex, and kind of is, but it works.

Welcome to the group. Photos are a big part of the story, especially for me.

Hi Roger! Good of you to chime in. Congrats on your recent retirement. Sounds like you will have a lot of opportunity to use your camper. There seems to be a learning curve with loading photos on this site. When you get it figured out, be sure to give us some trip reports on your travels.
There were three Four Wheel Campers in camp the night the big winds hit. You were the only one that left the top up. That was our first time to try sleeping on the couch with the top down. Not sure if it was worth it or if leaving the top up and dealing with the noise would have been better. How did that work out for you?
Hi Roger! Good of you to chime in. Congrats on your recent retirement. Sounds like you will have a lot of opportunity to use your camper. There seems to be a learning curve with loading photos on this site. When you get it figured out, be sure to give us some trip reports on your travels.
There were three Four Wheel Campers in camp the night the big winds hit. You were the only one that left the top up. That was our first time to try sleeping on the couch with the top down. Not sure if it was worth it or if leaving the top up and dealing with the noise would have been better. How did that work out for you?

Hi Ted, It was rock en and rolling with the big gust but we slept well it was good to see calm in the morning. I figured our camper was well made it survived with no issues I heard 60 to 70 mileanhour gust. We drove out to Scotties castle that next morning on our return stovepipe had a huge dust cloud that didn't appear to be moving you could not see the sand dunes from the highway nor stovepipe. We stayed over at furnace creek that night the wind was real calm, cold but so was the beer. Headed across to I 15 stayed in Mojive that night and headed home great trip enjoyed it all.
Thanks for asking hope to met up again. Now back to posting pix
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