Hwy 395 Fall Colors


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2009
Stockton CA
Took off Monday Oct 8th, wanted to go up Hwy 88 and see Hope Valley. But they are putting a roundabout at Liberty Road and Hwy 88 with a 30 minute delay. So up Hwy 4 we go, went over Monitor Pass and many of the Aspen trees were still green just a little yellow. South on 395 with our first turn off on Lobdell Road. This was a new area for us and we will be back. Several miles of washboard and some steep and loose sections. Did use the Mud and Ruts mode on the van, no problems. We were rewarded with some of the best color on the trip. We spent our first night dispersed camping on Green Creek Road. The NFS campground was closed at the end of the road. We could see the smoke coming in from the fire to the south. The next day we drove south driving up several canyons to view the leaves. Virginia lakes was great driving up but over by the time we got to the lake. Rock Creek was near peak and delivered this year. Convict lake was good and the lake was one of the only that was full. The June Lake loop was still green and Grant Lake was so low people were driving out on the lake bottom to reach the water, sad.

Stopped at Mammoth for lunch, recommend the Pita Pit if you are that way. We did have a FWC sighting when we pulled off the road to have our Pitas. Someone went by with their top up! Did not get a good picture but blew this one up.

All Photos - 1 of 1 (2).jpeg

Smoke was getting bad, we had planned to try Crowley Lake BLM campground. The smoke was so bad we looked at Purple Air to see where the air was better. Bishop was much better and we headed south. Stayed at Pleasant Valley Pit BLM campground. Nice BLM campground and not very busy. The next morning the smoke had returned. After breakfast we started our trip home. Driving up 395 the smoke cleared just above Mono Lake and dark clouds, blue sky and light rain welcomed us as we turned up Sonora Pass. Sonora Pass was near peak color some of the best I have seen. We stopped just over the top by an Historical Marker for lunch. 45 degrees and a light rain started to fall, we enjoyed the arrival of fall to the Sierras. Got home and watched the weather and news of the passes "temporary closing". Our timing could not have been better, one more night and we would have woke up to light snow falling. I am sure many of the leaves have fallen in the rain and wind.

I put my pictures in a Youtube video you can watch below.
We were up in the Virginia Lakes / Green Creek area the weekend before. I would say that Dunderberg Mill Rd had the best variety of color then.

Hit smoke coming North about Coso Jct. and got out of it at Bishop. Exactly what the ventusky.com particulate forecast called for.

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