Hydraulic Rams wanted


Advanced Member
Jun 29, 2019
Southern California
I am looking for 2 rams for 1976 10 co ... my son severely bent the already bent front rams... anyone have any extras?

Has anyone replaced the inner ram ? The 3/4" Brass (?) tube that moves up. The bottom 1" stationary part of the ram is ok.

also ......the plastic ring that that the pins rest on is busted... I saw somewhere someone 3d printed a new one?.....I also recall a diy replacement with a drilled out pvc fitting.

Input, advice, critic .... welcome

Thank you..And Happy Trails...... DOCALEX
There's a group on Facebook, "Alaskan Camper Club." Somebody recently posted new guide caps for $24.00 per set of four. He also re-reproduces the exterior emblems.
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