I lost all my 12 volt circuits


Advanced Member
May 22, 2019
Los Angeles
Don't know what I'm doing, don't know what I've done. I've lost all 12 volt power. The best I can guess is that my auxiliary battery is located behind my icebox where there is a wooden panel above the battery which my catalytic heater is rests on. Somehow I'm guessing this panel was resting on the battery wiring and caused a short. Anyway I have no 12v power. I've checked all the fuses and they are fine. There must be some sort of "master" fuse or "fuseable" link that has blown. My monitor panel is down as well. I discovered this problem when trying to wire a new fan that I was installing to replace the roof vent. Any ideas?

Todd Homchick
Here are some suggestions. It appears that you have a non-standard setup (auxiliary battery behind icebox - catalytic heater) so these are only general suggestions that would apply to any electrical problem.

1. Think about what you were doing when the problem appeared. Did you disconnect anything? Were all circuits off while you worked so that there wouldn't be any accidental short circuit and blown fuses? That sort of thing.

2. Get a cheap multi-tester to measure 12 volt power. Sometimes you can get them for free at Harbor Freight or pay ten bucks at your local big box store or online.

3. Start with the battery. Is it discharged or holding good voltage? If it's discharged, you have to fix that before you can do anything else. Test with your multi tester. How many volts? 12.6 or more is fully charged. Anything below 12.0 volts is badly discharged.

4. If the battery's good, follow the wires from the battery terminal and test as you go. At some point you'll find a place where there should be voltage but there's not. That should tell you where the problem is. Normally you can leave the multi tester lead on the battery (-) post and just trace the (+) wire.

Hope this isn't too general but that's what you have to do.
There should be a fuse very close to the battery off of the positive battery cable. I would check that first.

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