I Lost my Sweet Dog Dexter to Cancer


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2014
Reno, NV
For those of you I've camped/explored with in the past, you all know that I never went anywhere without my big, sweet, hairy Yellow Lab, Dexter. I lost him August 29th and I wanted to post this memorial of him to all of my friends on WTW.

Here's the link on my blog: Dexter's Memorial
Sad, sad news Mr. Groovy. This breaks our hearts. We sure enjoyed Dexter the times we were around him. Our condolences.
I'm so sorry Mr. Groovy, we all know how it feels and it never gets any easier. I lasted only three days when I lost my old border collie to bc rear end before I got a new one-everyone adjusts to their loss in their way! Again sorry!

We humans who belong to animals know this day is coming, but we convince ourselves differently. Been in your place several times. It never gets any easier. Sorry for your loss.
So sorry to hear he's passed but I'm happy he got to spend his life with you. I love the story about the water. Labs.
I am so sorry, I know that just rips your heart out. Every time I have had to go through that I have said “no more dogs” and here I am yet again with another “best friend”. This one a black lab, we try and get something different so we can’t compare apples to apples. Their memories will always remain.
Oh my, I could barely make it through your beautiful memorial as I watch my 17-month old yellow, Riley, napping at my feet. We waited 3 years after our chocolate passed before adding Riley; I’ve had to part with several canine friends and wasn’t sure I wanted to go through it anymore. The pure joy and laughter they bring outweighed that consideration. Condolences and good thoughts passed on to you and Dexter.
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