Ice Boxes...


King Taco
Sep 9, 2007
Oxnard, CA.
Who has 'em?
Who uses 'em?
Are they worth using?

My Hawk came equipped with one, but so far I've only been using it as a pantry. Lately I've been thinking it might be worth using for short trips and then just bringing a small cooler for beverages.

How long will a block of ice typically last in there? Does it keep perishables cold enough?
Hey SunMan

I use my ice box all the time. A block of ice will usually last me three days unless it is exremely hot. Like you, I also take along a portable ice chest, "Coleman Extreme" for soft drinks etc. and the combo seeme to work well for trips of up to a week long.

Who has 'em?
Who uses 'em?
Are they worth using?

How long will a block of ice typically last in there? Does it keep perishables cold enough?
I have one
I use/used mine
more or less....

When possible, I buy two smaller blocks of ice and put them in the tray together. It helps a little but 2-3 days is about it. It won't keep frozen items from thawing and it won't get room temp drinks really cold.

I don't find stand up coolers or fridges to be very efficient. Reaching in and out constantly for things makes it even less efficient. My biggest beef with the icebox is the location. Where it's mounted in the high-up in the galley, the back of it is against the outside wall that gets hit with sunshine all day. The ice doesn't stand a chance.

Mine is primarily for dry storage. I keep extras in there and transfer items to my cooler as necessary. With my new fridge, I plan to do the same routine but without the cooler. The icebox can fit a lot of stuff in there with some creative packing skills.
When I bought my older keystone, the ice box was the first thing to the curb. I have intentions on a engel, until then I will use a cooler.
Keep'in It Cool

If your talking about the ice box that came with camper, i've got one in my shop you can have, but if it's portable ice chests, well in my profession, thats something we use all the time. I've probably tried most, if you want the best then it's Frigid Rigid, but they are real expensive, my choice, for the money is Icy Tech for a smaller style cooler. Both Co. have good web sites. Both of these hold ice real well, if you can keep the door closed. Hope this helps. KEEP YOUR FISH COLD
Thanks for the input folks. I was just curious what the concensus was.
Like KCOWYO, I've just used mine as a pantry. You can really fit alot in there storage wise. I figure no matter what you always need to bring a cooler.

I use an Igloo Polar 120 Qt cooler packed with block and dry ice for long trips (solely for food and perishables) and then also use a Coleman Extreme for libations and cube ice for drinks. I can usually stretch the big one for over a week if I'm careful.

Sounds like the ice box is functional enough for short weekend trips, guess I'll have to give it a go, one less cooler to pack. Thanks again.
I learned a packing trick for coolers. I went to Safeway and got some dry ice. It keeps things cold with out all the moisture. I forget the price at the time I thought it was reasonable. Just make sure that you have good ventilation.

Bob Wassam
One problem with the ice boxes is that when we open the doors our cool air pours out all over the floor and is replaced with warm air. Ice chests keep the cool air contained, and are thus more efficient. For this same reason, chest freezers are more energy efficient than uprights.

It sure is nice to have the drain, though... Anybody try to add a hose to their ice chest and drain it out the side of the camper?
Sun San,
If you want to now what I think Just walk over to TT house and look at what I did to the one in his FWC.
Jay, I've seen what you did, that's partially why I posed the question. Plus I've heard of others doing the same too. I'll keep mine around for awhile, never know when you might need it on the fly.
When I had the ice box in it would open periodically on rough roads. I installed a stap to prevent that. One of the biggest problems with the ice box is lack of insulation. There does seem to be more than adeaquate space to add more however another big issue is a front opening door. Physics dictates that the moment you open it all the cold air falls out of the bottom. This is eliminated with an Igloo Extreme or if you have the bucks an Engel. I have a refer in the new camper an it suffers from the same physics but it does have a positive latch.

My theory (as faulty as it may be) with what I did with TT's ice box was;
I was getting rid of something that didn't work any way and the stuff I put in it freed up space on the floor for a more efficient cooler. It worked for us but as you know all life is a compromise. Good luck.
Normally I'll pull out the ice chest and since I do most of my cooking outside thats much more convenient than constantly climbing back into the camper. I gained a lot of storage space when I took out my icebox.
chnlisle said:
When I had the ice box in it would open periodically on rough roads. I installed a stap to prevent that.

They must be using a new design now...I have a helluva time just opening mine, you really need to pull on the sucker to get it open.
ice box

I have a new ice box out of an 07 hawk, I installed a Norcold after 6 mo of owning the hawk! Anyone wants the ice box just contact me and you can have it!
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