Idaho Summer


Weekend warrior
Jun 22, 2010
Nevada City, CA
After educating ourselves in blog-ese, we have put together our first TR using a free wordpress site.
Our google Blogger account lost several days of writing, due to operator error ( I am sure). Hence our switch to wordpress, which I use at work.

We're still getting the hang of it, and may be editing this report later. But, here it is, our eight day loop through Idaho:
I enjoyed your report. The photos are great- I especially liked the evening landscapes in the earlier report.
Thanks for the tour, Andy -- looks like you had a fine time. :)
Many mosquitoes?...or had they died down when you were there?

My trip path crossed yours 2 or 3 times (though with an earlier time coordinate) on my recent ID-MT-WY trip. It inspires me (i.e., generates guilt ;) ) to go through my photos and put together a report of that trip before it fades too far in my memory.
MarkBC said:
Thanks for the tour, Andy -- looks like you had a fine time. :)
Many mosquitoes?...or had they died down when you were there?

My trip path crossed yours 2 or 3 times (though with an earlier time coordinate) on my recent ID-MT-WY trip. It inspires me (i.e., generates guilt ;) ) to go through my photos and put together a report of that trip before it fades too far in my memory.
Almost no mosquito problems by mid-July, but the large horseflies were aggressive. They would actually hang on to your leg, while you swatted, still trying to bite. Even the dog wanted to hide from them!

Memory fade, ah yes. SR has been writing notes in our travel journal, which help keep it fresh.
MarkBC said:
Thanks for the tour, Andy -- looks like you had a fine time. :)
Many mosquitoes?...or had they died down when you were there?

My trip path crossed yours 2 or 3 times (though with an earlier time coordinate) on my recent ID-MT-WY trip. It inspires me (i.e., generates guilt ;) ) to go through my photos and put together a report of that trip before it fades too far in my memory.
Yes, MarkBC, your fans are eagerly awaiting your MT trip report! Many thanks,

Great trip report, thanks! That's lot's of old home country for me. Many times out climbing, skiing, fishing, hunting, fighting fires, running rivers, etc. Haven't been through Murphy and Silver Cityh though, we may have to go that way down to CA this fall.
Hey Taku

Great country up that way! It was our first real trip to Idaho.

If you can swing through Silver City, it's worth a stop over. I think we got the most out of it because we spent some time eating with the locals in the hotel. We found a variety of boondock camps on Trout Creek Rd. (Silver City to Jordan Valley), especially in the first mile or so from Silver City. There is also camping just below town and a small campground in Silver City too. Say hi to Paul, the ATV cowboy if you see him for us! ;)
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