Immediate evacuation from the low levels of Oroville and areas downstream is ordered.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2009
Stockton CA
Hope no one in in the way. I am over 100 miles down stream and will be getting the camper ready. I live in west Stockton and can throw a rock to the levee. Channel 3 has live pictures from the chopper. Does not sound good.

Butte County Sheriff
1 hr ·

This is an evacuation order.
Immediate evacuation from the low levels of Oroville and areas downstream is ordered.

A hazardous situation is developing with the Oroville Dam auxiliary spillway. Operation of the auxiliary spillway has lead to severe erosion that could lead to a failure of the structure. Failure of the auxiliary spillway structure will result in an uncontrolled release of flood waters from Lake Oroville.

In response to this developing situation, DWR is increasing water releases to 100,000 cubic feet per second.
Immediate evacuation from the low levels of Oroville and areas downstream is ordered.
This in NOT A Drill. This in NOT A Drill. This in NOT A Drill.
No it sure doesn't. Unprecedented. Plus the forecast for more rain on the way. California's second largest reservoir in trouble. Flows down the main spillway increased to 100,000 cfs which can't be good for the eventual repair of that spillway. So far it doesn't sound they're concerned much downstream past marysville, we'll see.
It stopped flowing over the emergency spillway, so that is a good first step. They are staging rocks to helicopter in once it gets light. The next storm (a week away) is supposed to be a colder one, and at this point snow is better than rain for us. Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts for the people evacuated and working to protect us all.

It really makes me appreciate the grab and go nature of having a WTW vehicle ready to go. No need to worry about finding a hotel room, which are now all gone.
I think they lucked out. If it had rained one more day, we might have had catastrophic failure.
175,000 evacuations tonight. Major hits to economies of Oroville, Gridley, Biggs, Marysville and Yuba City.
Not just people, but livestock. This is going to be an expensive fix and they will need completion by next October.
Apparently the emergency spillway has never been tested, this is the first time it's ever had water over it?

Well placed rip-rap should eliminate the problem, too few or poorly placed will just be boulders in the stream. Newer spillways have ramparts included ala some fish ladders, presumably to slow the water down so that this doesn't happen?

Friends in Cherokee said its moving pretty fast near the diversion dam when normally there's no movement, but weren't able to see much else.
Last year I read a interesting book about the Johnstown flood.
"The Woman in The Photo" by Mary Morgan.
It tells a great story about the greed of the rich people who owned the lake/dam
and how they ignored the failure issue.
Everyone in the effected area stay safe. This hopefully this won't become a disaster.
Holy Moly! I'd say the folks downstream didn't dodge a bullet, they dodged a 155mm HE round. And isn't that work "only" 45-47 years old or thereabouts?


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