Indoor shower


New Member
Mar 4, 2009
I have used my indoor shower several times and it works well for me. For water I use a Zodi shower. It is a metal canister that can be pressurized by pumping. It is not a solar shower, but I find if I use it in the summer I leave the canister in the sun and it often gets warm enough to shower. If not, the canister can be placed on a stove and heated. This beats my old solar shower for cold weather.

My shower stall is a Sun Shower enclosure. The top and bottom of the enclosure inflate and help keep the sides away from my body. I usually shower in the camper aisle. To hang the enclosure I have four small eye hooks on the ceiling and I hook it up to those. I use a livestock feeder tub, for the bottom of the stall. I think it is a duraflex. I wanted something that was big enough to stand in and that I wasn't worried about cracking and leaking. The Sun shower enclosure is not quite long enough to direct all of the water into the tub. I picked up some thin sheet vinyl (probably from Jo Ann fabric.) I used vinyl glue to secure the extra vinly to the inside bottom of the enclosure. This ensures that all of the water ends up in the tub. One note of caution. I really like this enclosure because of those inflatable tubes, but the plastic snaps are pretty cheap. If you are not very careful when you unsnap them they tear the vinyl. The enclosure still works with a few broken snaps, but I keep planing to glue on a few velcro closures. The vinyl is thin, but it packs up nice and small.

I don't end up using much water with the Zodi. After I shower, I take the enclosure down, leave it inflated and hang it outside. In all but the worst weather it seems to hang dry. Then I take the tub and depending on where I am, either dump the water on to the ground outside or pour it into a gray water container.

It may sound like a lot of work, but it isn't. If I am in a more private place I can hang the shower stall outside. After I made my own shower stall, I happened to see the ones that Sportsmobile has. They are very similar to what I do. My version is cheaper, but it works fine.
Took a Zodi shower yesterday and I just used my brush guard as a towel and shampoo holder:thumb: I used my Zodi so much while spending 2 months in Alaska that I wore out the pump valve. I always heat mine to the hot zone. I made a insulator case out of a piece of evazote foam (nitrogen foam pad) and it keeps the water hot for hours. I typically shower outside after it gets dark. I have put a coat on top of the foam case and taken a shower in the AM.
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